'Hotspots' Discovered in the Pyramids At Giza


Shropshire, U.K.
Feb 13, 2006
Shropshire, U.K.

An international team of architects and scientists have observed "thermal anomalies" in the pyramids of Giza, Egyptian antiquities officials say.

Thermal cameras detected higher temperatures in three adjacent stones at the bottom of the Great Pyramid.

Officials said possible causes included the existence of empty areas inside the pyramid, internal air currents, or the use of different building materials.

Fascinating stuff. The pyramids continue to be a source of mystery. Can't wait to find the real reason behind this.
Heh.* My name is painted onna wall in that big stone place, bion. We were in there, a lonnnng time ago... and it is mighty impressive, it is. Big.
Hot spots? Hidden chambers? Chutes at weird angles with no apparent purpose? No-ne has postulated the existence of ancient space-heaters. No idea.
Maybe they've found the real burial chambers? If so , it would a great discovery, could even potentially rival King Tut's tomb. :)

It's just a thought.
Or it could Khufu's tomb. The builder of the great pyramids and one the greatest Pharaohs of all time. If so , it would be one the most significant finds in archeological history. :)
It won't be. They stored grain in there, or so we were informed by a team of experts (!) long ago. All the good stuff was probably looted way back in the day. There's a door missing, there were tons of salt in there... but that doesn't sound so interesting, not good for tourism, so on with the show.
Really. Nobody moved those stones, one look is enuff, they were cast in position using wooden frames. Still impressive***** But hot spots? Unknown. Fermenting ancient kegs of Egyptian wine? Still drinkable?
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It won't be. They stored grain in there, or so we were informed by a team of experts (!) long ago. All the good stuff was probably looted way back in the day. There's a door missing, there were tons of salt in there... but that doesn't sound so interesting, not good for tourism, so on with the show.
Really. Nobody moved those stones, one look is enuff, they were cast in position using wooden frames. Still impressive*****

Probably no Pharaoh . But certainly it would have made for a great Issue of National Geographic .:)
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Nooo, it would have hardened, calcified... but, by merely adding water, according the ancient lore of the pharoahs, it can be returned to the living world of today, and quaffed, giving one the wisdom of the ancient ones, who may well turn out to be farmers with nothing much better to do than make big buildings out of limestone and stash their best beverages in there.
Heh.* My name is painted onna wall in that big stone place, bion. We were in there, a lonnnng time ago... and it is mighty impressive, it is. Big.
Hot spots? Hidden chambers? Chutes at weird angles with no apparent purpose? No-ne has postulated the existence of ancient space-heaters. No idea.

The chambers inside aren't what you'd call 'big'. And some of those odd voids with no apparent purpose are probably the result of either the architect fluffing a third decimal place in his calculations, or the master mason slipping up on measurements for a batch of blocks - hard to put all those chippings back on if you make it too small, and a dozen or a score of blocks was too much product/time/cost to let go to waste. Besides, in the construction they were the two most powerful chaps, so who's going to notice, argue or correct them?

The 'chutes' you mention aren't at 'weird' angles. They're angled as if to catch light from particular stars or point towards certain areas of the sky. The superstitions of the time and place governed their inclusion, purpose and orientation.

You really painted your name inside Khufu's mountain? Or are you called Osiris or something IRL? If the latter, you must have very interesting parents. If the former, wow. I thought the last to do such things were WWII military personnel. Hope the Egyptian Antiquities Department don't read these posts.

What does 'bion' mean?

Whatever they find, it's still pretty exciting stuff.(y)
Uh-huh. We all wrote our names in there in the 50s, it was allowed up to a certain point. Much discussion of how the obvious truth of what the building was - could hurt tourism, practically the only thing keeping the country afloat at the time. The 'chute' was the only mystery, still can't talk about it to this day. They dug a lot of stuff up nearby, poof gone, never seen since. Missing door, tons and tons of salt - you figure it out.
Likely the 'warehouse' period was after the collapse of the Pharaonic period. The Parthenon was used as a military magazine centuries after its original purpose ceased to matter to locals. China's wall, in places, has become even more places - towns and villages built from its stones.

The complexity of construction in the Great Pyramid is what you'd naturally expect from devotees of a system of superstition as complex as their pantheism was. Works just the same with monotheism, as evidenced by the intricate masonry of European cathedrals and churches. Then there's Angkor Wat, Machu Picchu and any number of south American cities, including at least one that seems to have had more pyramids than houses.

Who says you can't talk about it? I doubt another theory on the pyramids would hurt Egypt's tourism trade more than an airliner being blown out of the sky recently did. Jabbing a balloon with a pin gets you a deflating 'bang!' - jabbing it again has little or no effect on the balloon or its lost contents. Use your pin now, before a new balloon is inflated, and no harm done. Besides, there's only us 30,169 here (and any fraction of 7 billion who might look in), so who's going to know?

Well, none of that applied. You could walk on in there and do anything you wanted. I recall a bunch of famous types had their names/initials on the wall at that time. There was zero discussion of any religious beliefs, even amongst the Egyptians. They just went there to figure out what it was, and apparently they were succesful. You can't mention aliens, or anything like that, without self-proclaimed experts sutting loose with oceans of theory. But... grain silo. Except for that the missing door, the massive salt piles and that chute.... well nm. )
The pyramids are simply enigmatic - anything new we can learn about them can only be fascinating.

What perhaps astonishes me most is how striking they are now - but my history books report that the big three were once faced with white marble and capped with gold. That much have been an incredible sight...if true. I still struggle to imagine that it is.
Well, none of that applied.

Not sure I understand. None of what applied, and to what?

You could walk on in there and do anything you wanted. I recall a bunch of famous types had their names/initials on the wall at that time.

There are names, initials and inscriptions by a number of famous folks, Byron for one, others wealthy chaps on the 'Grand Tour' in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The latest I'd heard of were soldiers of WWI.

There was zero discussion of any religious beliefs, even amongst the Egyptians.

If you mean in the 1950s, not really surprising - the religious beliefs in question vanished with the last Pharaoh near two millennia ago.

They just went there to figure out what it was, and apparently they were succesful.

So what was the 'successful' result? A tomb, or a grain store? If the latter, they've fooled the world of archaeology completely for decades - a most unlikely scenario.

You can't mention aliens, or anything like that, without self-proclaimed experts sutting loose with oceans of theory. But... grain silo. Except for that the missing door, the massive salt piles and that chute.... well nm. )

I have read quite a lot on the subject, but I claim no kind of expertise. Doesn't take any kind of expertise to see that building something on the scale of the Great Pyramid, in that incredibly exacting shape, with so little in the way of voids in comparison to the overall size, and purposely for use as a salt/grain store would have to be an act of infinite insanity. It would be the equivalent of building a Buckingham Palace to park your bicycle in, or constructing the Channel Tunnel to run a 'N' gauge model railway from England to France. Four walls and a column-supported roof of a building a tenth the size of the smaller of the three Giza pyramids would be storage space a hundred times and more as capacious as all of the voids in the Great Pyramid combined.

A landing pad for alien vessels is every bit as likely as a warehouse. The pyramids are tombs, or monuments to their gods, or both. A lot of smart people have said so over the years, and I'm inclined to agree. I also believe the Apollo missions actually landed on the moon, and that Area 51 is a place where experimental aircraft are designed, built and tested, thus the many sightings of unusual things in the sky around there. I don't believe Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK, that 'climate change' is caused by humans, or that 9/11 took place without input from some part of the government resident in Washington DC at the time. I do believe some 'unlikely' things, but the Great Pyramid as condiment and pulse warehouse? Not in this space-time continuum.

The pyramids are simply enigmatic - anything new we can learn about them can only be fascinating.

What perhaps astonishes me most is how striking they are now - but my history books report that the big three were once faced with white marble and capped with gold. That much have been an incredible sight...if true. I still struggle to imagine that it is.

Built with the simplest of tools and (contrary to Herodotus ) were not built by slaves.:)
The pyramids are simply enigmatic - anything new we can learn about them can only be fascinating.

What perhaps astonishes me most is how striking they are now - but my history books report that the big three were once faced with white marble and capped with gold. That much have been an incredible sight...if true. I still struggle to imagine that it is.

The capstone was supposedly plated in electrum, and the belief is that the facing was of a local white stone, but not marble, at least that was the last 'theory' I heard.


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