SFSF Social - Sheffield, South Yorkshire, 24th January


Steven Poore - Epic Fantasist & SFSF Socialist
Feb 4, 2005
Sheffield, SoYo
Hi. We are the Sheffield Fantasy & Science Fiction Social Club. It’s nice to meet you.

Last year we went to the York Pubmeet – held, obviously, in a pub in York – inspired by London’s own Super Relaxed Fantasy Club. Authors David Tallerman and Janine Ashbless wowed a packed room with readings of their work, the BSFA’s Alex Bardy gave away lots of books, and everybody had a damned good time with drinks and a lot of constructive conversation.

And we thought: why isn’t there anything like this in Sheffield?

So now there is.

On 24th January 2015, at 4pm, you can join us upstairs at Eten on York Street in Sheffield for the very first SFSF Social. Our guests will be the following wonderfully talented authors and swordfighters:

As well as readings, there will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions, and to win some goodies – and, of course, to have a good old chinwag, in relaxed surroundings, about anything SFnal.

Here come the linky things...

Event details/location: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/sfsf-social-club-1-tickets-13633023741
Eten Cafe: http://www.etensheffield.co.uk/
We tweet: https://twitter.com/SFSFSocial
Barely back from Rotherham and I find this. 'Twould be extremely silly for me to do this, so you might find me turning up…
Looking forward to this one chopper. The York meets are great fun, so Sheffield has a lot to live up to beer and food wise. I mean.... book wise! ¬.¬
since we're in a cafe rather than a pub (though there is a bar - thank all the gods) i can't hope to compete on the comestibles front. however the Social has just received a small package from the very lovely Angry Robot Books ;) ....
I can't make it but how does the "receiving the package of books," work?
Said package is likely to be give aways. Publishers and indies offer individual copies of a novel or anthology to be given away on the night. If anything like York, some attendees will review and post online. Snappy recommendations from others that may have read it have caused some folk to buy if they don't "take home" the freebie copy. There's usually only one copy of a book, but there are plenty of books. Others have just spread the happy word about a book. Reading on the night also has sold extra copies.
mostly so. the AR box has a few limited edition hardbacks. TOR have also kindly provided something that I might have trouble splitting.... ;)
Raffle Table.jpg
well, wasn't that an excellent evening? :) with many thanks to everybody involved - and especially to chrispy for making the journey all the way up to see us! brilliant to meet you! noted Chronners in the top pic, of course, are Ian Sales and yours truly

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