Star Wars fan looking to branch out


Nov 18, 2014
Hi all,

I have been a long time reader of star wars material, but am running out of stuff to read. I find that I have a slightly "strange" taste in books though. I can often overlook writers that are seen as "juvenile" or just bad if the world and/or plot drags me in. However I don't like overly explicit depictions of violence and sex and find that I don't enjoy stories that are too dark either. I have enjoyed the stories by authors like John Jackson Miller, Drew Karpyshyn, James Luceno, Timothy Zahn and Kevin J. Anderson (some of these authors are considered good, others not so good), but haven't enjoyed authors like Paul S. Kemp and Matthew Stover (both of whom are too dark and violent for me though well liked).

Other things that I have read/watched/played and enjoyed include Merlin (BBC TV series), Atlantis (BBC TV series), Defiance (TV series), Legend of the seeker (loved the TV series, but hated the violence and sex in the sword of truth books), Mass Effect series, Jade Empire and the Marvel cinematic universe. I am also the one person in the world that hates the game of thrones TV series, I don't just like the violence or sex and find myself getting more and more depressed each time a character is killed off.

Any suggestions on what I may enjoy would be greatly appreciated.

I would be happy with recommendations form either fantasy or science fiction.
Bujold's Vorkosigan books might be a good place to start. They're not too dark (or no more than the SW universe, anyway) and the space opera world will be comfy after SW. Strong characters and good mixed storylines, some sf, some mystery. You need to suspend disbelief a bit but, again, no more than you're familiar with in the SW universe.
Try some of the Warhammer 40K novels, particularly Dan Abnett and his Gaunts Ghosts series. Titanicus was also an excellent read.

I really enjoyed many of the Star Wars books that have been released.

Some of the Culture books by Iain M. Banks might not be too much of a stretch. I would start with The Player of Games, though.
Honor Harrington series by Webber

Warhammer Caiphis Cain its a wonderfully comedic series in the vein of the Flashman novels.

Kane The Mystic Swordsman 5 books and simply one of the best Fantasy series ever written, used books are available on Amazon and from wat ive seen is being brought back into print in 2015. the books are

1. BloodStone
2. Darkness Weaves
3. Dark Crusade
4. Death Angels Shadow
5. NightWinds

Conan The Barbarian stories by Robert E Howard

Raymond Feists RiftWar Saga

The Berserker Saga by Fred Saberhagen , also by him The Holmes Dracula File, Empire of The East

Harry Harrison Bill The Galactic Hero

Robert A Heinlein Starship Troopers, The Puppet Masters, Glory Road, The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress

Poul Anderson Ensign Flandry Series and His novel The High Crusade

The Myth series by Robert and Lynn Aspirin

Sam Gunn Unlimited by Ben Bova

The Reign of Wizardry by Jack Williamson

Lest Darkness Fall by L Sprague De Camp. don't let the title fool you, its a comedic novel about a man who finds himself sent back in time to 5th century Rome . Great fun
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Not fantasy but you could try the Sharpe series by Bernard Cornwell, or the Horatio Hornblower series by C. S. Forrester.

Since you've read Star Wars, how do you feel about Star Trek? Lots of material there.

Baylor has mentioned Bill the Galactic Hero by Harry Harrison, I would add the Stainless Steel Rat series as well.

The Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov is well worth reading and may soon be an HBO television series.
Lots of good suggestions, I'd second Bujold, Weber, Scalzi given your preferences. I'd also add McDevitt and perhaps Mike Resnick (e.g. Widowmaker).
The Sword of Shannara, light reading, good adventure story, not to much violence and a complete absence of sex, I read this when I was about 14 and thoroughly enjoyed it, don't think it would cut the mustard for me now-days though, bring on the sex and violence :)
Piers Anthony's Zanth Series is a fun series .:)
Thanks for all the recommendations, please keep them coming. Looks like I might find myself busy :).

Vince W, I don't know much about Star Trek, have never really been sure where to start with the series, similar with other large scifi and fantasy series like doctor who and the forgotten realms stuff.

I would like opinions on some specific points too:
1) Older works: I have formed the view that older, classic stories such as LOTR, enders game, dune etc. works may be less violent than some newer works as I keep hearing about the new, darker, grittier fantasy.
2) Will probably look at some non star wars books by the authors I've enjoyed. I know guys like Timothy Zahn and Kevin J Anderson have written many novels. Does anyone have any recommendations of what to look for from those authors.
3) Peter F Hamilton, every time I go into a bookstore I'm drawn in by the covers of his books. I keep reading though that his books are violent and contain lots of sex, not sure if these would be suitable then.
4) Brandon Sanderson, read that he is a Mormon and doesn't include much violence or sex in his books, maybe he is someone I could look at.
5) Arthurian fantasy Looking for something based on this legend after I enjoyed the BBC series Merlin. The series by Mary Stewart looks interesting. Any other ideas of other books/series that I may like in this field.
6) I loved the game Jade Empire and its unique Asian themed landscape, is there anything that may be similar to this?

I just want to clarify that I am not after no sex at all, I just don't want things like the rape that turns up in the Sword of truth books or the constant mention of things like prostitution, brothels, etc. form game of thrones. I am OK with some sex that comes from "normal", loving relationships, I just don't want it shoved down my throat.

Thanks again for all the recommendations.
Sanderson writes very clean stories, in terms of sex and gratuitous violence.

Another vote for Scalzi's Old Mans War series; clean, pacy, light and a lot of fun. I love his characters and snappy dialogue.
Thanks for all the replies everyone. If anyone has any other suggestions or answers to the questions I'd love to hear them.

So you like Mass Effect? That's my favorite space opera of all time (video game).

I love the mass effect series. Played all the games multiple times and read all of the books. Looking forward to see how they move the series forward.

In fact Drew Karpyshyn is my favourite author out of all of them. For me anything he touches, either video games or novels, turns to gold. I know that he is not the greatest technical writer and his stories are not ground breaking but I have really enjoyed every single one of them. As it happens I'm currently about half way through his latest novel The Scorched Earth, typical Drew Karpyshyn, just fast paced fun.

With regards to Star Trek apj, just pick up a book from a series you prefer. Most single stories are self contained and reading order doesn't really matter at all.

Problem is I don't really know where to start, I've never watched a whole TV episode or movie of Star Trek, so I don't have anything as a base. I have no problem with the universe and am more than willing to try it out, I have just never been exposed to it.

My problem at the moment is information overload. There are so many books that look interesting and so little time in which to read them, I want to try and cut out as much of the stuff I wouldn't enjoy as possible.
Liege Killer by Christopher Heinz

Merlin's Ring H. Warner Munn

Bridge of Birds by Barry Hughart
Problem is I don't really know where to start, I've never watched a whole TV episode or movie of Star Trek, so I don't have anything as a base. I have no problem with the universe and am more than willing to try it out, I have just never been exposed to it.

My problem at the moment is information overload. There are so many books that look interesting and so little time in which to read them, I want to try and cut out as much of the stuff I wouldn't enjoy as possible.

Then if I had to choose one to start with I'd go with The Klingon Gambit by Robert E. Vardeman. One of the earliest books so you'd have to get it at abebooks or some such. I think it's a good into into the TOS universe outside of the shows.
Thanks for all the replies everyone. If anyone has any other suggestions or answers to the questions I'd love to hear them.

I love the mass effect series. Played all the games multiple times and read all of the books. Looking forward to see how they move the series forward.

The Mass Effect universe was just so good. It blows everything else away IMO.

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