Scifi books for intermediate english level


New Member
Apr 22, 2014

I read a lot of SF books but in my own language. I would like to continue reading SF but in english. So, can anyone recommend easy-to-read books to keep practicing english and enjoying SF at the same time?

I am thinking in start Dune, but I read there is a lot of characters and complex words, that's something I don't really want. I prefer a to read something shorter, simpler. I have read Gateway by Frederik Pohl and I enjoyed a lot, I read a little bit slowly but I'm looking for something similar.

Dune is pretty dense and the english quite complex. A few ideas for short/simple classic-style sci fi

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes is a really nice sci fi book and with very straightforward english which is key to the book and in no way dimishes its relevance.

Clarke is often very readable - Rendezvous with Rama ( the original, the sequels are grim) is short and fun.

I find Orson Scott Card very easy to read - Ender's Game would be his most famous, but his short stories are well worth a look at.

Heinlein tends to be easily-read - I was reading him when I was a teen. Ditto Bradbury.
Thanks for the recommendations guys, will look into it.

BTW, I had Ender's Game in my TO-READ list, so maybe I go for it
As a parent, I often look up books to see their reading level on AR BookFinder US - Welcome. This is based on the American system of grade levels. It's not a perfect system, but it will give you an idea of how easy or hard a book is considered to be.

For instance, "Ender's Game" is level 5.5. This doesn't mean 5th graders are all reading it. This just means that is the reading level you need to be to understand the vocabulary and grammar of the book.

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