Avatar trailer breaks iTunes download records

SFF Chronicles News

Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2013
25th August 2009 04:35 AM

David Allen

The hype behind James Cameron ‘s Avatar seems to be having the right affect as sci-fi fans have been downloading the Avatar trailer in huge amounts, in fact there were occasions when iTunes was struggling to handle the demand.

The main thing about the trailer now, is that this has grown from strength to strength and the release of an extra long trailer that shows the latest techniques used in 3D film has got the sci-fi fans interest.

According to 20th Century Fox the downloads for the first day broke all records, with it being streamed four million times in the first day.

The previous record holder was another sci-fi film, Star Trek XI from JJ Abrams, there appears to be some dispute over the figures, 20th Century Fox claim it to be 1.7 million, whereas Paramount claim 1.8 million, whatever the real figure it makes no difference now.

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