Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds announced

SFF Chronicles News

Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2013
20th April 2010 07:48 PM

Darren Allan


Two worlds are set to collide with the announcement that Capcom is to publish another instalment in an “epic” versus fighting series.

Although you could be forgiven for forgetting exactly what the last outing was, given that the predecessor (New Age of Heroes) was first released when we’d only just got over our millennium new year hangovers.

Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds will pit the likes of Capcom’s Street Fighter nutters (and others) against Marvel greats such as Wolverine and the Hulk (it could be hard not to make him angry, when you’re punching him repeatedly in the face).

“We are so pleased to be working with Marvel again. Marvel vs Capcom 3 has been one of the most requested titles for us to produce by our fans,” said Christian Svensson, Corporate Officer and VP of Strategic Planning and (pause for breath) Business Development at Capcom.

The graphics are being handled by a more advanced version of the same engine that powered Resident Evil 5, and a “living comic book” look is promised. Kapow!

A system of moves with considerable depth, and over-the-top combos is also on the cards. Blammo!

Three versus three tag-team fighting will also be a feature (should be interesting to see Iron Man sneak into the ring and smash Ryu over the back of the head with a chair while the crowd boos). Urkk!

It’ll be a while before release yet, however, and you’ll have to wait until spring of next year to experience this beat-’em-up on the PS3 and Xbox 360.

Whopp! Okay, we’ll stop with the Batman fighting noises now.

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