4.12: The Sword in the Stone - Part I


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007
With Morgana at the helm of a vast Southron army, a deadly net is closing in around Camelot. When the sorceress strikes, the ferocity of her attack forces everyone to run for their lives - even Arthur. But Morgana will not let him escape that easily. And so begins a chilling hunt...
Well I liked it... couldn't help but laugh at Simpleton Arthur, he played that part ever so well!

Morgana is ridiculous, she really irritates me and Agravaine is just a moron, how do these people achieve such dastardly feats as the taking over of Camelot?

Camelot was taken too quickly for my liking but I suppose it had to be to get the story moving. I have a feeling Helios will turn on Morgana for his own benefit at some point, if not her than certainly Agravaine (who deserves everything he gets), he seems too hungry for power not to do something.

Gawain's challenges were rather unfair although was nice to see him back to his tavern-brawling days! :D

I also liked the smuggler couple, good to see a feisty woman, speaking of which according to next week's trailer, Gwen goes up against Morgana, that should be an interesting fight but alas Merlin is old again which means that his magical feats will probably be hidden.

Speaking of which, I really hope I'm wrong and the producers see sense and have Merlin all powerful (kept in perspective of course) and Arthur knowing who he really is ready for the next season, it is really starting to grate against me that Arthur has no idea, it just isn't feasible to keep it going anymore. Besides, it opens up the writing to so many things, why are these people who have the power so unbelievably short-sighted?

Oh and Excalibur makes a return, as much as I love that sword, I wish it were under different circumstances, it's supposed to be used to prove Camelot's rightful king, not to win a battle... am interested to see how they implement it's importance to this season finale.

Other than all my moans about the programme in general, I still love it, will still watch it next year and buy the DVD boxset once it is released... for my son you understand... :D

I second everything you've just said, Ada. :)

Only thing I have to add is I wonder where and why (and how!) Percival went to?
Is he going do it... no.

What about now... no...

Oh, come on!

How can Merlin keep his nerve? I am tearing the last bit of hair from my head and let me tell, there's not much of it left. And still he stubbornly refuses to tell Arthur that everything can be saved, "Cos I have magic."

But no, because he has on his side the simpleton king that cannot count one plus one together even if one of the are magically brilliant. Still I loved it. Although not as good as the series beginning, but no counts the worst of the season.

The pacing was very fast, and it delivered action from the get go. And what action it was .. fast paced and well delivered even if they weren't going to through the whole play-book. And as this is a family series ... they couldn't show the dirtiest tricks. However, Gawain smacking that mace down was something. I cannot deny that.

When it comes to Morgana, I quite like her showing - pardon my colourful expression - where the hen piss. I'm quite sure that doesn't mean anything to you British people, but to us Finns, it means that she's no longer holding back. The throne is hers, and hers alone. And "they can pry it off from my dead cold fingers."

She's not going to give it up, and go back to her hobbit hole. No way. The duel ... or at least the implication is that ... she's there till the bitter end or victory (which we know is going to happen).

What I'm really glad about is that this time the villains did what the army of dead couldn't at last series. Camelot is theirs, and they are hunting down the last remains of Pendragon's army. Which isn't much, but what they don't count is the dragon, and the greatest mage ever lived.

How could they?

No way they could had gathered such of bit of intelligence from the previous raiding parties. And if Morgana would had lived up to her fears, she would had acquired a magical crystal ball (what a cliché) and given it a hard look before she launched the onslaught.

So, next week, at 24th, we see Arthur winning back the Kingdom or then going in exile to gather a large army by uniting together the surrounding kingdoms under one banner.

What do you think?

Note, I know what I said about the great western dragon in the other thread, and we see if we finally get some fantastical scenes. Hopefully that two, three second hype lives up to the expectations.
I think the only really obviously iffy stuff related to the "sneaking" about of hundreds, if not thousands, of people carrying larges torches in the dark. The Camelot lookouts must be blind.

But yes, it was an episode full of action, much of it fast-paced and benefited greatly from this.

PS. From his last audience with Morgana, I can only assume Agravaine is smitten with her. (Usually when he's lying through his teeth, he gives the game away - to the viewers - by smiling evilly to himself. If he did that on this occasion, I must have missed it.)
Much better, but frustrated it took eleven! weeks to get back to at least as good as the end of the last series; we now need a bit of bravery in the writing; if the last if to be the final series then let's show Merlin as he should be and leave it with some crediblility.

BTW I think the idea was they came through the siege tunnels hence why they were in Camelot so quickly, but even so, haven't they ever watched the Great escape? It is the season to do so, after all; whole armys don't emerge from tunnels just like that.
I really enjoyed it too. As everyone has said the fast pacing really helped the episode, ironing over any cracks because you did not have the time to think about them.

Springs I would not worry I'm pretty sure Season 5 is confirmed. At the end of last year it was announced that this season was only going to be 10 episodes and season 5 would be 10 as well - but that changed when the Beeb reviewed the ratings. So the inference is that 5 is going ahead.

I've also read an interview with Morgana, and she was really pleased with how dark the end of this season was, and suggested that there was a major twist to come in the last episode that sets up next year, changing the show dynamic. (again)

Of course we all want it to be Merlin's secret coming out, but I bet it's not. My guess is someone might die.

I really want Agravaine to be removed from the board (smug git) but the feeling I'm getting is that he is going to betray Morgana in the end.

The only other feeling I have is the young dragon might have a part to play as well.
I really want Agravaine to be removed from the board (smug git) but the feeling I'm getting is that he is going to betray Morgana in the end.

You might be right. Morgana is horrible to him. I think we're all a bit confused about his motivations for such a betrayal and it could be he wants something from Morgana's magic and she turns him down. (or he could be smitten and she turns him down :p)
Well I liked it... couldn't help but laugh at Simpleton Arthur, he played that part ever so well!

Morgana is ridiculous, she really irritates me and Agravaine is just a moron, how do these people achieve such dastardly feats as the taking over of Camelot?
Bradley James actually got to act. I thought his portrayal of a simpleton was a very convenient way to remove Arthur from the castle, and for once it meant he and Merlin could interact as equals for real. It was a pity he lost his memory once the spell wore off.

Morgana and Agravaine are just Pantomime villains - which is really what this show has now become. I still like it anyway.

The pacing was very fast, and it delivered action from the get go. And what action it was .. fast paced and well delivered even if they weren't going to through the whole play-book. And as this is a family series ... they couldn't show the dirtiest tricks. However, Gawain smacking that mace down was something. I cannot deny that.
I agree that the faster pace made this a better episode; possibly the best this Season.

I think the idea was they came through the siege tunnels hence why they were in Camelot so quickly, but even so, haven't they ever watched the Great escape? It is the season to do so, after all; whole armys don't emerge from tunnels just like that.
To be fair those tunnels aren't crawl along, or pull along on trolleys, but huge cavernous caves. I said last week that under the castle must resemble Swiss cheese, but someone then pointed out the Dragon's cave which is, fair to say, enormous. It must be like Journey to the Centre of the Earth down there.

Only thing I have to add is I wonder where and why (and how!) Percival went to?
I wondered where they all went out of the back of Gaius' chambers? Is there a completely different set of 'top secret' running tunnels beneath the 'not so secret any more' tunnels?

Some advice, if you live in Camelot, check the foundations before you take a mortgage to buy a shack.

Wasn't leading the army to his home village the most stupid idea Merlin has ever had? I'm sure that if it was just to re-introduce Gwen there could have been other ways.

So, next week, at 24th, we see Arthur winning back the Kingdom or then going in exile to gather a large army by uniting together the surrounding kingdoms under one banner.
We are going to have to see, but they really don't like changing the format of this series and so it is more likely that things will return to normal.
I've also read an interview with Morgana, and she was really pleased with how dark the end of this season was, and suggested that there was a major twist to come in the last episode that sets up next year, changing the show dynamic. (again)
I could be wrong then. I do hope so. To press the reset button again will be boring and the show will stagnate. They need to move the story on.

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