October photo challenge: Autumn


Lady of Autumn
Oct 26, 2006
Lincolnshire, UK
Firstly, thanks to everyone who voted for me last month!:)

Ok, on to October's theme. Given the season here right now (and given my user title;)) I thought that Autumn might make a good topic for the photo challenge. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's pictures!

As usual, it's two entries per person, and the voting starts around the 27th of the month.:)
It could have been worse, Talysia.

You could have adopted the American term, Fall, with perhaps unfortunate results for friends, relatives, acquaintences or pets of the prospective competitors.

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LOL Ursa...that would've been more open to interpretation, especially for those who are not currently in autumn at the moment.

Oh well...I've got an idea for an old photo I can use...problem is whether I've posted it here before.
Well, I'll add an old photo to start us off. I'm 99% sure I haven't posted it before, because it wasn't in my photobucket album.

That's an interesting close-up, and I love the colours in Lioness' first pic.:)

Here's my first effort. Blackberries always remind me of Autumn, especially going out to pick them.

When picking Katie up from grandma's I asked her to find me a nice red leaf for a photo, which she did!
I then took it out into the back garden and captured it with the sun behind it on the 19-35 zoom. (I wish that lens would focus just a tad closer!)
I have no lens shade so had to use my hand-could also do with a polarizer but one for a 77mm thread is beyond my budget!

Autumn is the Jura exploding in streaks and firework of colour, as if some overenthusiastic child with a palette of oranges, yellows, browns and reds had slashed random horizontal brush strokes across its face. Irrational and disorganised, temperature changing with altitude and wind paths, species following soil, or merely where the seeds landed.

But that is the Bernese Jura; , and I've no reason to visit Dave and Ruth; here it's boring conifers that don't even know winter has arrived until they're covered in snow.

Autumn is tits gathered on the seedheads of the sunflowers, colourful as any flower; who grew sunflowers this year?

Autumn is five million ducks and other waterfowl escaping the winter in Scandinavia or Siberia. Watched by the supercilious, power-line perched swallows preparingfor their own tropical holiday they carpet the lake in a patchwork quilt of eiderdown, scarcely deigning to move aside to let the little passenger ferries pass.

But they haven't arrived yet, and who can tell if they will manage before the end of October?

Autumn is raking up and bagging barrowloads of leaves and discovering the thousands of species of fungi concealed beneath. Now, there's something guaranteed.

But the raking leaves them broken and distorted, and there is no time to disengage them gently; those leaves have to go.

What else is autumn? The walnuts stuffed into the most improbable crannies by famine-fearing squirrels. Too late for the vendanges, the harvest of the vines; half the stalks are by now pruned back to the tiny nub that will give next year's growth, the year after's wine. The valiant flowers give one last blast of colour, hoping to set seed before the bees close down their storm shutters, the nights fall ever earlier, in reflection of my own declining lifeline.

But who can photograph mortality? You get no seasons in a city.
Can anyone capture such a grand picture of this year's pre-winter festival of colors as Chris has already done in words? *sigh*

Autumn is the best time of year for certain crops, and 'round here this year, the apples are amazing!

Here you have my first attempt. I hope I have captured that firework of colour that Chris was talking about.


  • Autumn 12 octobre 2009.JPG
    Autumn 12 octobre 2009.JPG
    84.7 KB · Views: 200
My 1st photo, not an abundance of colour I admit but thought it quite an odd looking tree,

Is it dancing?

Is there the spirit of a dog staring out of the trunk?

That is lovely, Ultraculture - I love the angle. There have been some good ones so far.:)

My second entry. I'll admit that I didn't find anything like this when I went looking for autumnal things to photograph, so I had to make a little collection of them and take a picture of them in the garden instead.:eek:


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