Interzone 223 A Prime Issue


Roy G
Oct 19, 2006
Cheshire, UK
2008's special issue, IZ 218, featured Chris Beckett and 2009's special features Dominic Green.
In 2005 Dominic blew us away with The Clockwork Atom Bomb, which then appeared on the Hugo ballot and in Gardner Dozois's 23rd Year's Best anthology plus Dominic topped the 2005 Interzone readers poll.

He has had 17 stories in Interzone since 1996 and in July this count will reach 20 as three of his stories; Butterfly Bomb, Glister, Coat of Many Colours will be in that issue. Don't miss it.
In addition to the three stories from Dominic Green and Nick Lowe's reviews of Star Trek and T4, both with the US father-son issues he analyses so well, we have stories from Suzanne Palmer, whose 'Concession Girl' was so popular last year, and Eric Gregory. Plus an interview with Joe Abercrombie.

And look at that cover,,,


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Any idea what's happened to Borders? I went into the one on Oxford Street yesterday, on my way to a meeting, but though they had copies of IZ 223, the queue was a mile long, as they were selling all their books at half price! They appear to be closing down - is this, as far as you're aware, just that store, or have Borders gone into administration?

Looks like I may have to sort myself out with a subscription... :)
Borders have sold a bunch of stores to retailer New Look, it seems. Following their second buyout in the past two years, chief executive of Borders UK Philip Downer has been making encouraging noises in the press about the chain's future, but according to sites like Bookseller publishers are getting worried about the lack of dialogue between them and the retailer. It remains to be seen if there will be further closures.

Sorry for slightly OT post. Go Interzone, woo etc.
A special issue this time, focusing on Dominic Green and featuring three of his stories as well as an interview. In addition, there are two other stories and the usual news and reviews of books and films, plus another interview – with Joe Abercrombie. The balance of the reviews seems to have shifted more towards films this time, with many DVDs covered as well as current cinema offerings such as the new Star Trek, Terminator and X-Men movies. A thought-provoking read, as usual. The surreal fantasy cover is by Adam Tredowski.

The Transmigration of Aishwarya Desai, by Eric Gregory, illustrated by Arthur Wang: an academic visits a planet for a debate with a rival over the reality of her claimed psychic contact with an uncommunicative alien race, only to have this resolved in an unexpectedly dramatic fashion.

Silence and Roses, by Suzanne Palmer, illustrated by LeMat: robot caretakers look after their human masters in a secluded retirement home, waiting patiently for their charges to self-repair as they fall silent, one by one. It takes an intruder to point out that they aren't going to speak, ever again. This was the most memorable of the stories in this issue, but partly for the wrong reason; surely once the first master died, the others would have explained to the robots what had happened, and what to do with the body?

Next to the three stories by Dominic Green, all of them illustrated by Daniel Bristowe-Bailey.

Butterfly Bomb: an old man lives in solitary splendour on a planet, except for a companion who is picked up by a passing slave ship. The old man follows in a rescue attempt – but who exactly is being rescued?

Coat of Many Colours: a genetic experiment produces a large reptilian animal with scales which shift in colour even after death. A potential goldmine, provided that the creature is not deemed to be intelligent – but how to determine this?

Glister: prospectors trapped on a strange and hazardous planet go looking for valuable minerals, but the source is mobile and success comes from an unexpected direction.

In the interview with Dominic Green, he explains his philosophy in writing SF and what motivates his varied stories. The revelation which most intrigued me is that the author has had no fewer than twenty stories published in Interzone over the last eleven years, one of which was nominated for a Hugo award, but none of his novels has been picked up by a publisher; he has a substantial collection of rejection slips. Judging by these stories, he is clearly a talented, original and entertaining author, but that is not proving to be enough. I have written before about the difficulties in getting published, but what it seems to boil down is that there are too many writers and not enough readers – or, at least, purchasers. Green has accordingly put four of his novels on his website for free.

It does make me wonder exactly where fiction publishing is heading. There seems to be an ever-narrowing range of opportunities for conventional publication, yet major problems with the alternatives. Regular followers of this blog will know that I self-published my two novels; The Foresight War and Scales. The first was an immediate commercial success and has recouped my investment more than twice over. The second was not, so I have offered it as a free download on my website rather than let all the effort in writing it go to waste. I have recently updated my web article on publishing SFF fiction here: ON PUBLISHING FICTION, and I advise all who have ambitions to be a novelist to read it carefully, along with the related article on marketing: .

(An extract from my SFF blog)
Transmission 21 has been posted to Transmissions From Beyond, the TTA Press Podcast, to coincide with Interzone 223 the Dominic Green special issue.

Dominic Green's That Thing Over There is read by the author and If you enjoyed his interview in IZ 223 then check out the brief bio he provided to go with the podcast. If you haven't seen the issue you can still enjoy the bio after the podcast.

The story first appeared in Interzone 132, June 1998 and artist Dominic Harman's illustration that prefaced that original appears with the podcast link.
This Dominic Green Interzone special issue (#223) did its job and brought him some recognition from publishers. Dominic, one of Interzone’s top ten fiction contributors with over 20 stories in the magazine - including three in that special, now has his first novel “Smallworld” out this month. It will be published by Fingerpress in time for Christmas.

Matt Stephens, of Fingerpress, told me "The special issue actually introduced me to Dominic's writing (I'd heard of him before that but hadn't read his stories), and was what prompted me to contact him... "

Four of Dominic's IZ stories have been picked for the prestigious Year's Best Science Fiction Anthologies since 1999 and his The Clockwork Atom Bomb (read it here) was nominated for the 2005 Hugo Award. Listen to the podcast here.

For a pre Christmas laugh try his Sherlock Holmes pastiche The Adventure of the Lost World appears on the BBC Cult TV website.

Plus check out the podcast of his "That Thing Over There" Interzone June 1998 and Year's Best SF 4, 1999) at Transmissions from Beyond.

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