Kickass standalone fantasy adventure?

Jayaprakash Satyamurthy

Knivesout no more
Nov 11, 2003
Bangalore, India
I've been reading a fair amount of lit'ry stuff lately and need to take a break with something fun, fast and exciting. I'd really like to check out some fantasy adventure fare, but I don't want to read something that's part of a tightly linked series. And something that's original and fresh, please. Ideally I'd like to discover another Perdido Street Station, but I realise that may be asking a bit much. Failing that, what d'you think I should be reading?
I have a few that I'd recommend, but you've already talked about them elsewhere, so I guess you've already read them;) Stuff like The Etched City etc...

You might want to try something like Ian McLeod's "The Light Ages", which is pretty good:)
Ok, this one isn't standard fantasy - basically it is a historical farce but it sure is fun and I'd definitely say it 'kicks a$$'. Anyone who enjoys Leiber's Grey Mouser would probably like it. It may be hard to find as it isn't being published anymore but I have a copy if you'd like to borrow it.

The Pyrates by George MacDonald Fraser
on the fantasy front, i'd recomend Ronan the barbarian - James Bibby (its extremely silly farce. but cleverly done and well written)
on the Sci-Fi front I'd recomend revisiting some Ira Levin clasics (stepford wives, boys from brazil, rosmary's baby) exceptionaly well done and chilling.
Fantasy/sci-fi - Matthew Woodring Stover - Heroes Die and Blade of Tyshalle (Blade is a must read!!!). They're violent though. But off the mainstream, very different. Blade of Tyshalle is my pocket bible.

Pure, unadulterated heavy sci-fi: Illium by Dan Simmons. On the back of the jacket cover is a list of reviews and one of them is from Stephen King, who says, "I am in awe of Dan Simmons." I normally don't pay much attention to printed advertising like that but I thought it was worth pointing out what one prominent author says about the book. After reading Illium, I agree completely.
Agreed re Illium. And although there is another one coming out later this year (Olympos), it still works as a stand-alone anyway:D
Anything Neil Gaiman but I think you've read alot of his stuff...I think it was you...

One of my favourite Fantasy Standalones is Redemption of Althalus but The Eddingses...I thought it was good.
Princess Ivy said:
on the fantasy front, i'd recomend Ronan the barbarian - James Bibby (its extremely silly farce. but cleverly done and well written)

Ha! I thought I was the only other person in the world to read that!
I picked it up for £1 in a bargain basment sale in a bookshop.
It is actually alright and worth the £1 I paid for it! ;)
Chimeco said:
Pure, unadulterated heavy sci-fi: Illium by Dan Simmons. On the back of the jacket cover is a list of reviews and one of them is from Stephen King, who says, "I am in awe of Dan Simmons."...what one prominent author says about the book.
I don't think that was a book-specific comment because I have the same remark pasted on the back of Song of Kali by Simmons. It's more likely that King's remark refers to Simmons' work in horror.
Child of an Ancient City - Tad Willians and Nina Kiriki Hoffman.

It's a short novel with a distinct feel to it and I loved it as a break while I was reading throug the Nights Dawn Trilogy.
Winters_Sorrow said:
Ha! I thought I was the only other person in the world to read that!
I picked it up for £1 in a bargain basment sale in a bookshop.
It is actually alright and worth the £1 I paid for it! ;)
I love puss the carnivorus donkey. but fave is anthrax...
I lost my copy years ago (in a move, funnily enough! ;) ) but my fav was the wizard character (was that anthrax?).

Basically it was a long overdue p*sstake of the fantasy adventure story! :)
Oh, and if you're willing to venture into sci-fi, Neal Asher's "The Skinner" definately fits your needs:)
Graham Joyce does some good fantasy/horror mixes that are standalone :D
Graham Joyce was a good recomendation, I'd also add Michael Swanwick.

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