Here I go again


Lesbian vampire goblin
Dec 7, 2008
My avatar and userpic was made by this awesome per
Yay, another extremely vague booksearch from sffhound!

Um... Hermaphroditic main character. And that's like all i know.

It's a book I picked up in a bookstore ages ago and though "Nah," and now I'm thinking "WHY THE HELL DID I DO THAT?"

So, if you have any tips. I think I'd recognise it when I saw it so just hrow me any fantasy novels about hermaphrodites.

The only one I can think of off the top of my head is The World Wreckers by Marion Zimmer Bradley -- and I may be confusing that one with one of her other Darkover books.

Well, and The Left Hand of Darkness which takes place on a planet where everyone but the off-world protagonist are hermaphrodites who change their gender on a cyclical basis.
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Is this a fully physically functioning hermaphroditic human, or just someone withill-defined sexuality? In Science fiction you have a betan hermaphrodite in a secondary role in Bujold's Vorkostigan saga (no-one gets to be more than a secondary character around Miles, or we could try The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula LeGuin.

I fear nothing from fantasy comes to mind.

Any more information? Urban, mediaeval, magic?
Is it a Sci-Fi / Fantasy novel?

Gary Jennings wrote a novel called "Raptor" that featured a hermaphrodite as its main character, but it's an Historical Fiction novel.
Wow, thanks all of you!

I've actually read Left hand of darkness, so that's not the one I'm looking for.

If I recall correctly it's supposed to be a fantasy novel, but it could also be and alternate history... I'll wreck my brain.

As far as I can remember the character is a fully functional, hermaphrodoitic human.
Storm Constantine's Wraeththu series starts with: The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit.
<that featured a hermaphrodite as its main character> the protagonist who's name was Cal if that rings a bell.

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