Interzone 217, Not so Mundane this time


Roy G
Oct 19, 2006
Cheshire, UK
This issue brings a welcome returnee to Interzone’s pages: Paul McAuley, plus other stories from Karen Fishler, Paul G. Tremblay, Jason Sanford and Suzanne Palmer. Paul has at least 60 short stories to his credit and “Little Lost Robot” is his 17th in Interzone.
Fred Saberhagen’s Berserkers were mechanical intelligences intent on eliminating organic rivals from the galaxy. Fred’s future of humanity waging constant war with implacable robots came first (1963) but later authors, like Greg Benford, and Alastair Reynolds, followed making the idea a familiar trope of hard SF, even TV’s Star Trek used it in the ‘Doomsday Machine’ episode. Such stories usually reflect the embattled humans’ point of view but Paul takes the viewpoint of “one of the mechanical crusaders, a big space robot that’s suffering from mission creep.”

Other fiction in IZ 217

Africa is Karen Fishler’s third Interzone story. She started her writing career in The Third Alternative, TTA Press’s first magazine. Her stories have appeared in US magazines between times. Cover image
illustrator: Paul Drummond

The Two-Headed Girl by Paul G. Tremblay, whois a prolific short fiction author and editor whose first novel, The Little Sleep, is forthcoming (February 2009) from Henry Holt.

Comus of Central Park is M.K. Hobson’s first appearance in Interzone but she has appeared in TTA’s Black Static and many other short story publications. She blogs here and lives in Oregon.
illustrator: Darren Winter

Concession Girl is Suzanne Palmer’s second Interzone story, ‘Spheres’ in 207 was her first. Suzanne has an undergraduate degree in Fine Arts, a wisteria vine named Cthulhu, and works in IT. She lives in New England and has a novel in process.
illustrator: Darren Winter

The Ships like Clouds, Risen by their Rain is Jason Sanford’s Interzone debut but his ‘When Thorns Are The Tips Of Trees’ is slated for a future issue. Jason is editor of the online fiction magazine storySouth and the moving force behind the Million Writers Award which aims to showcase the year’s best online published stories. He whittled 2007’s 164 nominated ‘notable’ stories down to a short list of 10 and you can vote before July 17 from here
illustrator: Vincent Chong

Little Lost Robot, author Paul McAuley, illustrator: Paul Drummond

Non Fiction in Iz 217
Editorial Pete Bullock Electronic Editions and the TT A Press Podcast
Ansible link News & Gossip Obituaries David Langford
Mutant Popcorn Film Reviews from Nick Lowe
Bookzone Book Reviews from Paul Kincaid, David Mathew, Maureen Kincaid Speller, Jim Steel, Paul Cockburn, John Howard, Juliet Mckenna, Andrew J. Wilson
Laser Fodder DVD Reviews Competitions, Tony Lee

Interzone 217 will be out 3 July 2008

Coming up in a future Interzone, celebrate the upcoming British SF author Chris Beckett's new collection and his second novel with a special issue featuring at least 2 of his stories and an interview, subscribe now.
The magazine will be printed and subscription copies will go out July 3/4 but the UK distributer will not send them to retail outlets until July 10.
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