Read Twilight, can't find anything better!

I'm not seeing how Twilight contains abusive romance.

I really don't think Twilight is about abusive romance, The Host, on the other hand, I think was. Everyone kept trying to kill the heroine all the time, and even the hero beat her up on several occasions, that was abusive. Not my favourite book my Stephenie Meyer, but I have to admit the storyline was intriguing what with aliens roaming the earth.
Try the Morganville Vampires series, by Rachael Caine. The first book is entitled The Glass House.
Depending on how old you are, you may wish to try 'A Discovery of Witches'. It's been dubbed 'an adult version of Twilight', but I wouldn't let that put you off if your a good reader!

I'm yet to get into it myself, it's starting to collect dust on my shelf, but I will get round to it. Got far too many books to get through just now. Going by reviews from a couple of my friends and a work colleague, it's really worth it! :]
Couple of things you may be interested in. I recently put up a website to display some books by some friends of mine. If you like vampires, try vampires in space, Stargazer by Miguel Conner. And Tessa Dick, who was married to Philip K. Dick, has Bad Moon Rising, which features werewolves instead of vampires. Find them here:

Worlds Apart

Tessa Dick's book is only available through US, unfortunately, but Stargazer is available in the US, UK, and Canada through Amazon. Bad Moon Rising is more YA than Stargazer. I'll post more on what this indie SF, paranormal, and fantasy fiction is all about later and what else is available and coming soon, but thought you'd like to consider these.
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I can talk about this series for hours. Not about them being good, but about my absolute bewilderment at how and why on earth it received so much attention!? I respect the fandom, don't get me wrong, I just don't understand it. I see too many problems in Stephenie Meyer's series.

.The writing: bad.
.The idea: cliché.
.The plot: doesn't exist until about the middle of each book, and then it turns out to be either predictable or fully free of sense or logic.
.The characters: stereotype and far away from any development (except Jacob)

I have Read the series completely, even when I started to get really angry, because I don't like jugging anything before the complete experience. Yes, the Twilight series is bad. Why? So many reasons that kept adding up as I read on.

The main character is not a good role model for young ladies. She lets herself be manipulated, she's irritatingly whiny, cares only for mundane qualities and couldn't care less about her family and friends and doesn’t respect them, and is unbelievably selfish and completely ignorant toward humanity.

Bella is okay with people being killed as long as she doesn’t know them. Before her loved one was in danger, she didn’t care that the evil vampires kill people everyday or couldn’t do anything about it. But then she assembles an army to fight them off? And when her loved one is not in danger anymore, all is good and the army can go home and the evils vampires can go back to killing people. Who cares, right?

It’s okay for the vampire army at the Cullens to kill people as long as the victims aren’t from their own town. Thank you, you’re so generous. So it’s okay for the people out of your town to die?

And the boy Bella idolizes is just worse than her. In my opinion luring a girl into obsession is abusive. Luring because Bella has absolutely no other reason to "fall in love" with him other than the color of his eyes and tune of his voice and shade of his lips and so on. Obsession and not love, because Bella knew nothing about Edward when she said she's in "love" with him; Edward's appearance was the only reason she decided to be with him.

And vice versa; what did Bella do to deserve being "loved"? Does she do anything nice for anyone? no. Edward never talks about Bella's actions or personality. All he keeps saying is that she's like heroin to him, she smells good, she looks good, and being with her makes him feel good, and so on.

I believe lurking into a girl's room and watching her sleep without her knowing is stalking. I think literally kidnapping someone for any excuse is abusive. Forbidding her from seeing her friends and family while he lives with normal humans? Disabling her truck to prevent her from going to visit her friend?! I don't know, but this is not love. This is obsession and lust.

The idea was cliché but nice and it could have been a much better book. But the narrator doesn't stop complaining about everything. Even when she’s got all she wanted, she goes on about how her life sucks.

The first book was okay, not good and not bad, only okay. The second had some good moments thanks to Jacob, the third book was just an excuse to waste paper (absolutely no character development, nothing especial happened and the so called villain was laughable) and the last book was the worse book I've ever read.

The Cullens are so powerful, but they don’t do anything good for anyone except their own. What do they do? Honestly, except Carlisle, what good do the Cullens give the world? Nothing. They don’t even stand up to the other vampire who kill people every single day. You’d say they can’t, then I’d say why not!? Aren’t they so powerful?!

Also, is “falling in love” with a three years old child right? Okay now… How about falling in love with a newborn infant!? Is this supposed to be romantic? To actually grow a girl like a father until she reaches maturity, then marry her!?I’m sorry, but I believe this is wrong.

I can say more.
Again, I respect the fans, but I can see no logic in Twilight's success.
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One thing that I think stands mentioning is that the theme of Twilight -- love between a mortal and an immortal -- is actually a very ancient one; many myths concern this. I wouldn't dismiss them as 'only' romance -- but I would say that perhaps they aren't the most subtle or profound attempt to deal with this theme . . .
I love the Twilight books. The Host I couldn't even get to the second chapter because it didn't catch my interest at all. If you are SO interested in bashing the Twilight books, why don't you write your own? I am sure with all the creativity you put into hating on someone elses writing, you could come up with something I could bash on! =)
Also A.S. Bensam, what types of books do you read? It could be interesting to read something that you are into, to compare.
[puts moderator hat on]

Whoa! One of the main reasons for this forum is so people can say what they like about books, films, graphic novels, etc. What we don't allow is attacking other member's tastes in those things - argue for their good or bad qualities, by all means, but please don't put others down because they happen not to agree with you!
Twilight is just like soccer - Everyone runs around for two hours, nobody scores and millions of fans scream at you for just not getting it. - Anon.
I hope you don't read books like you read names and words because it's not 'Bensam', it's 'Behsam'. I'm not interested on 'bashing' any books; I expressed my opinion because that's what I was supposed to do. I believe one should put their soul into their stories, and Meyer's among those who didn't do such thing.

If you are SO interested in bashing the Twilight books, why don't you write your own? I am sure with all the creativity you put into hating on someone elses writing, you could come up with something I could bash on! =)
Also A.S. Bensam, what types of books do you read? It could be interesting to read something that you are into, to compare.

Another reason I don't understand the Twilight fandom in exactly this ^ comment. Instead of explaining why you think I'm wrong, instead of giving me reasons and offering logic to what I found wrong in the series, you go on and challenge me to write something better. Honestly? Mist of my friends can write a better story than Twilight. I'm saying that because it's true. I bet even YOU can write a better story than Twilight.

I promise you if I lived where Meyer lives and had the chance Meyer has I would definitely use that opportunity. Yes, I can do better than that, but I'm not the one writing a book so many young girls read and learn things from, she was; she's the one who's supposed to think before having her main character jump off a cliff because her boyfriend's left her. You're missing the point. But I can assure you, I criticize books, and that's what I'm supposed to do as a writer.
And most of the reasons I find this series completely inappropriate for teenagers are about the moral issues the books continue to ignore; this series completely overlooks the importance of humanity and morals.

See, I read all the Twilight books even though it was literally painful since the 'falling for an infant' part really made me so angry. But I READ them, because in my opinion when you haven't read something fully, you haven't earned the right to judge it. But you actually ask me to let you read my work so you could 'bash' it; this is with the fact that you haven't read a word of any stories I've written.

And to answer your question about my taste, I read all kinds of books; since I study literature I've known and learned the full history of English literature and have read many books. My favorite writer is Shakespeare, so if you want to compare Shakespeare who makes the love between a thirteen years old girl and a sixteen years old boy legendary, to Meyer who succeeds in ruining her one and only interesting and believable character y having him fall in love with a newborn baby, you can start by comparing the sacrifices the characters in Shakespeare's works make with the sacrifices the Cullens make.

And I'm merely finding this discussion interesting, so I hope you understand I'm not challenging anyone.
I read the first Twilight book to see why it was so popular. My impression? Dull, cliched, and written like an amateur. I didn't like any of the characters (except for Jacob), the plot/story was transplanted from older works, and although the text was readable, it wasn't anything special.

On the other hand... it wasn't terrible by my standards. It didn't have a plot that screamed awful, the characters weren't 'alive' enough for me to really hate, and the writing was written... well, decently. There are a lot of things that are creepy, like Edward stalking Bella, but as a teenager I was exposed towards odder things in-class. I dislike vampires, but at least these ones weren't the pricks like those in Anne Rice's collected works.

So, Twilight: Not good, but not awful enough to inspire anything more then a dull 'meh', or to make a actual review or in-depth critique.
I read all of the Twilight books in a matter of days when I was 8 months pregnant and hormonal. That's my excuse, because, admit it, the series caters to hormonal teenagers and SAH mothers/wives who are "bored" with life.
I'm not a Twilight hater. I'm not a twihard. I'm like the guy above...meh. Meyer's The Host was good. A lot better than Twilight.
Serious, there are awesome books out there. People just need to open their mind and look past vampire/werewolf love stories.
They are OK books. My daughter reads them, I read some of one of them. Almost makes me weep for the youth of today. Its such a social phenomena now.

Anne Rice and Laurell K Hamilton are way better, IMO.

anne rice and laurell k hamilton are more for adult instead of YA

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