What if the internet died?

I animate stuff with my kids, and when we are between ISPs, or are having our bandwidth throttled we get more modelling and animation done by a long way.
Mobile phones would probably be used as phones only. No bad thing IMO. Digital cameras probably wouldn't be such a big hit either.
I always wonder what life would/possibly will be like if we ran out of fossil fuels and had to return to a pre-indiustrial way of life.
If the internet died I would get more work done. But I might also go mad.
I'd go back to having a friend called Horace that no one else can see (as opposed to dozens of friends with even crazier names that no one else can see :)).
I'd probably make friends with Horace too. Right now at this very moment the itnernet is the only thing keepign my sanity going. I'm goign cross-eyed from some very difficult compuetr work, it helps to break away and play with the internet every once in a while.
I'd go back to having a friend called Horace that no one else can see (as opposed to dozens of friends with even crazier names that no one else can see :)).

Definitely Horace not Harvey (the giant rabbit)?

I would be totally stuffed if the internet died. I run a digital printing lab with another fellow director. I do all the software, web design and finance. The lab and essentially all the business is based in Redhill, I live in the Highlands of Scotland (650 miles away for those not familiar with the UK's geography). Not a problem with broadband, I can even take over control of computers in the lab to test new software. As I say I would be stuffed without it.
I suppose it would make my career difficult to. And my sanity, always my sanity.

The highlands of Scotland are nice, Vertigo- much more exciting than this lab. Everyone is too quiet in here.
I know about the sanity bit and actually that's also quite important for me - remote working like this kind of reduces your interaction with others - so I figure this place is good for me (I think :eek:). And yes, the Higlands are nice which is the only reason I chose to live here (I don't actually do any "local" work here), and to be honest they probably do more for my sanity than the internet :rolleyes:.
Yeah bit isolated as a postgrad too, especially at this time of year, so the internet helps.

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