Deathly Hallows - who's going to die?


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Jan 11, 2007
I've given my thoughts in another thread, as have a few people (who I'll quote below). What about the rest of you? Rowling has confirmed that at least two characters will die (and two that she didn't want to kill off at that), so the speculation as to who it is should be different for every person.


I reckon it's pretty much given that if a Weasley is going to die, it'll be one of the twins.

And I think it's very likely that a Weasley will die.

Ginny..... to be honest, I don't think it will be. She had her fair share of fun in CoS, and quite a bit of page time in HBP, so I can't really see her getting kidnapped, injured, or killed in DH.

I would say Ron, but he's too central to the plot. Sure, Rowling has said that she kills off two characters that she really didn't want to, but killing off one of the main three is going a bit too far, especially with what Harry Potter is. If it was a more adult book, then sure, why not? Saying that, though, I predict that Ron, and probably Hermione, will have a rough time of it.

Percy is, well, Percy. None of us care about him anyone. For maximum impact, you'd kill off someone who we really like *cough*OotP, HBP/*cough*.

Mr. Weasley has already had a rough time of it, so I think he's out of the running. As has Bill. We haven't seen enough of Charlie, and it won't do to be killing off the motherly figure.

So by my logic, and the way I'd actually write it if it were me - one of the twins is going to get it. If I had to choose one over the other, I'd say that it'll be George who gets killed, and Fred is left very badly injured.


I think Lenny has some pretty good logic going there that it will be one of the twins (as much as I don't want it to be).

Who will be the other one that she kills, maybe Neville. Or Harry dies and Neville kills Voldie.


I don't think she's specified whether or not it was a villain or one of the protagonists, so I think not considering Snape, Malfoy or any of the Deatheaters we've seen thus far is a mistake. Granted, I'm basing this on the fact that I don't know whether or not she has specified, only saying that if she hasn't we should consider the possibility that it may include one of the "villains."

Of course, I could be dead wrong on the basis that I didn't get the memo...

And if I didn't get the memo, I'd have to agree that it may be one of the twins. As to the second, I think it will be Lovegood, as I believe her introduction into the series was not simply to serve as a means for Harry to tell his story to the public, but to play a large role in the final chapter. She's showed some eccentric talents, and many fans consider her a memorable addition to the story. I think Rowling will likely save the hair of her main trio, and like Lenny, I don't see Mr. or Mrs. Weasley being killed. While Neville's presence in the books has been clear, I don't believe killing Neville will serve much purpose, even considering some of the more believable theories out there.


Personally I think one from the trio will take the fall. If i remeber cleary voldemort picks on the closest and weekest links to harry. Hermione, however the amount of spells she knows, she is physically not able to withstand certain magic. As shown in Poa when she fainted while helping harry with the dementors.

Voldemort was never successful in capturing one of harry's closest friends. I think he is going to be able to capture hermione, torture her and whatever but harry and ron will eventually find her. To take away another love from harry, voldemort will cast the killing curse on hermione but ron will take the blow. And this is where harry will be ticked off, pushing his magic beyond the limits and vanquishing voldemort. Thats my theory, really JKs style.

That will be felt by everyone who reads the book. Harry's best friend dieing for the girl he has always loved. It would really be pityfull, seeing as Ron and hermione crossed the bounders only a year ago to acknowledge each others love.

Tell mi what u think about my theory ppl.


I think Rowling thinks her main audience is the people who've been with her from the start. Notice how the writing and plots in her books have matured since Sorcerer's Stone. It's like the books grew up with the kids who started reading them.

HBP, you have a fair theory. I'd be more inclined to say that Ron and Hermione both get the axe, so even if Harry wins, he loses.


How about the rest of you?
Ron and Hermione won't die, they will live happily ever after. Thats the vibe I get with the ending of HBP. They will have a child and call him Harry because Harry died against Voldie...OR They will have a child and call him Neville and Harry will be named Godfather to him and that is because Neville dies...OR they can just scrape my theory and name the child Betty or something.
And that leaves it open for the next book:
ogwarts - the Next Generation.......:p
But -- shock! -- it turns out to be Harry's child! Dum dum dum. :D

Possible things:

Snape will save Harry...leap in front of him and take a bulle- a spell for him or something of that sort.

I like the idea that something is aimed at Hermione and Ron gets in the way to save her.

I hope one of the Weasley twins isn't killed off...I like them. I especially hope it isn't George.

Neville will do something dramatic in the final book. And I also reckon that he'll become a teacher at Hogwarts...Herbology, of course (or, as a shocking twist...potions! :D)
We ought to walk into Ladbrokes and put bets on it. :p

I'd definitely put a bet on one of the deaths being George.
And that leaves it open for the next book:
ogwarts - the Next Generation.......:p
Yep. So JK can get more money when she needs it.

Neville will do something dramatic in the final book. And I also reckon that he'll become a teacher at Hogwarts...Herbology, of course (or, as a shocking twist...potions! :D)
Massive twist that.

We are all forgeting Wormtail. Harry didn't save his life for no reason. JK did it for something. He will help Harry in one way or another.
Ah yes, very true. Wormtail will of course redeem himself somehow. Most likely saving Harry. And then he'll die.
Hagrid migth make one mistake too many. HE isn't a possiblity we have discused too much. He will be killed my giants then Grawp will kill the giants that killed Hagrid.
Majimaune, however u may think the books end Jk has a way of surprising us. The ending we got in POA is that harry found out the truth of an innoncent man who turns out to be his godfather. Atleast i assumed that after all the trials and tribulations Harry and Sirius would be finally able to sit in the country side and enjoy each other, but as it is sirius ended up dead.

Probably they both will sit wherever good wizards go when they die "Wizard Heaven" and watch over ron and hermione. LOL.
Assuming that JK has the final word to what goes in her books. What if she was to develop some sort of rare madness and writes crap in dallows. How would that go.

*Harry turns out to be with Hermione and Ron was in love with viktor all this time in spite of his seemingly hatred for him.:eek:

*Dumbledore and Sirius Comes back in the End and Voldemort hugs dumbledore and says "game well played". :)

*Voldemort kills Rodulphus and Marry Bellatrix and invites everyone.:rolleyes:

As long as she doesn't write things like those above i'm assuming i am going to have a relatively good summer.
I still say Ron and Hermione both die, but if i had to pick one of the two... I'd say Hermione would be the most likely candidate. She always tries to do too much. I think she maybe pushes it a bit too far, gets ganked, and Ron discovers some great potential he never realized he had, and avenges her. Well, avenges her as much as he can without stealing HP's spotlight.
As long as she doesn't write things like those above i'm assuming i am going to have a relatively good summer.
Northern Hemesphere pricks...Go Australia!

I have been thinking this over and it is logical to have Hagrid and one of the twins for the two characters that she didn't want to kill of. They are favourites for the readers and it won't effect the story too much where as if one of the central three died it would effect the story too much. Unless they die near then end of the book ie in the second last chapter.
Yeah i guess that does make sense. The characters you metion above are favorites yes, but they serve more on the line of comic relief so it wouldn't be felt nearly as much as killing the central three. Though it would bring somewhat of a ripple effect off if they should die. The weasley's family would be dead scared owing that they almost lost a son a year ago and percy is as good as gone. Hagrid's death would mostly likely cause Grawp to rant and rave even more thus causing unecessary chaos.

* Not sure but if i remeber correctly JK said that the deaths are persons who r vital to the plot.
OK, I did a little research. I wanted to know exactly what Rowling has actually said about the two deaths, and I found the following quote. I got it from this article:

The Leaky Cauldron: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (book 7), Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (movie 5) news, images, videos, podcast and more

"One character got a reprieve, but I have to say two die that I didn't intend to die...a price has to be paid. We are dealing with pure evil. They don't target the extras do they? They go for the main characters, or I do."

Allow me to dissect this quote to a ridiculous degree. :D

Which character gets a reprieve? Harry, I hope. *crosses fingers* By "reprieve" I think she must mean that she had intended a particular character to die all along, and she changed her mind while writing the final book.

"Two die that I didn't intend to die." Initially, I was afraid that we were missing the obvious. One character absolutely has to be destroyed by the end of the last book: Voldemort. However, Rowling has obviously intended this from the beginning. So now I don't think Voldemort would count as one of the two. Back to square one.

"They don't target the extras do they? They go for the main characters, or I do."

First of all, who is "they?" The death eaters? Or does she mean authors, like herself, who kill off beloved characters?

Anyway, two main characters will be getting the axe. How do we define main characters? I, personally, count all of the following as minor characters: Percy, Bill, Charlie, Flor, Victor Krum, Gawp, Crabb or Goyle (both the fat Slytherin boys and their death eater fathers), all the death eaters (including Bellatrix) except Lucius Malfoy, all of the Hogwarts teachers besides Snape and McGonigall (no longer counting Lupin as a teacher),and anyone from the Minstry besides Mr. Weasley. I believe any of these characters could be killed off in addition to the two main characters referred to in the quote.

I think the aforementioned reprieve will either go to Harry or Neville, and the other one will die. And Snape will be the other major death. Just a hunch.

Addendum: All the Hogwarts students would count as minor characters besides: Harry, Ron, Hermoine, Neville, Draco, Ginny and the twins, and Luna. I don't know about Cho.
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I'd say Snape definitely

and I'm thinking McGonagle (but then who'd be headmistress/master of hogwarts?) or possibly Hagrid.

Definitely not one of the trio and I dont see Tonks or Remus dying when they've got this romance going.

I'm looking at from the POV that the books are aimed at young adults and I dont see her going for the really dark ending.
Thanks for the link The Pelagic Argosy. It is very interesting.

How could I? Every year of his adolescence and childhood he saved the wizarding world and then no-one believes him - he spends his entire life saving the world, and next term he is back at school being bullied.
That is from the same link. It is interesting because she is implying that she will not kill off Harry. Who else thinks that?
That is from the same link. It is interesting because she is implying that she will not kill off Harry. Who else thinks that?

Nah. Then she goes on to talk about Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie killed off their main characters, and that she "understands." I say it's still up in the air.
1 character gets a reprive - I think this will be Dumbledore (the snape thing will turn out to have been a setup or something) which would mean Snape was a good guy (as Dumbledore insisted).

2 Characters die - Snape as he turns out to be the shunned lonely misunderstood guy will die and then one of the 3 (Harry/Hermionie/Ron) probably Harry.

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