Mega Projects


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2006
What mega-projects could we/should we do, how would we do it?

A mega-project is a sudden leap forward in technology, a massive state supported effort that achieves in a few years what should take decades.

Examples are the moon landing, or the atomic bomb. Unfortunately many of these were prompted by war or the threat of war.

What might we do inspired by higher motives?
I read an article a few months ago about a massive project to build an "artificial sun" - basically it was fusion reactor, using deuterium for fuel. Now deuterium is extremely abundant in the ocean, and a small amount can provide a lot of energy.

I can't remember the exact details, but it was a project funded by France, UK, USA, Germany, and so on, and was going to be built in China.

I think that might have been scrapped, and France started their own, but I don't know.

But there's an example of a leap forward in technology - a nuclear fusion reactor that is amazingly effecient and has a very high power output. Heck, a fully working nuclear fusion reactor on its own is a leap forward in technology, I think.
An effective, efficient, economic solar collector coupled with an economic, lightweight high capacity battery.
I'm no rabid greenie, and to tell the truth, particularly in Europe the smell of hysteria is strong on the wind; however, last night I heard the President say in the state of the union that Government would cut 20% of fuel from Gov fleets in 10 years.

I thought, that's rubbish, how about non-polluting vehicles in ten years. So my mega project would benefit both the environment and reduce dependence on the Midldle East.

It costs around a billion dollars to develop a totally new car, compared to this the amount on electric or hydrogen cars is still chicken feed.

I think if the EU and USA said in ten years no more petrol/gasoline vehicles; it could be done.
My pet project was Sahara reaforestation; increasing rainfall, and producing lots of biomass which can be distilled for ethanol fuel (the big plus of ethanol as a fuel is that present motors can be adapted to use it, it doesn't require any new tachnology; the big minus is that it still produces carbon dioxide, and burns air to produce various nitrous and nitric acids. And any vegetation can be fermented and distilled to make it, not only edible bits) Some of the engineering works were major (the solar distillation plant would cover as much surface area as the road system of Germany, and that's only one of the subsections) but the real problems are human; political and tribal, the elimination of the traditional goat from the local economy (it's quite possible that the protection of goats from predators was what triggered desertification in the first place), replacement of firewood - all things we know how to do, but, when they are done small-scale now produce hardship amoung the existing population. And very minor results.
The trouble is, that all the worked out schemes did not take into account global climate shift, meaning that, rather than a solid, worked out plan, the organisation would have to be a "thinks on its feet" rapid reaction system, more like a military set-up than a government; and since this would have to be international…Can you see an efficient, streamlined UN operation? Neither can I.
We'll use all renewable energy sources for transport systems, if it'll make the previous posters happy enough to back us; in the total budget it will make almost no difference. I expect corruption to cost easily ten times the transport.
Mega enough? Or do you think I should do one or two more deserts while I'm on the project?

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