4.06: Transference


The Truth Is Out There
Nov 18, 2001
Clark hears a painful ringing sound in his ears and is drawn to the prison where Lionel is being held. When he sees Lionel attempt to stab Lex with a strange glowing stone, Clark grabs for the stone causing the two men to switch bodies.
Learning his new body has super powers, Lionel immediately begins wreaking havoc on Smallville. Trapped behind bars without his powers, Clark must figure out a way to get his body and powers back in order to save his friends and family.
Okay this has been done in season 1 in "Leech". Clark and another boy are struck by lightning and Clark's powers are transfers to the boy.

I missed this one, hopefully it had a better plot twist and not so predictable as the one in the first season.

Remember the ringing in the ears in the Superman movie when Luthor called for Superman to trap him underground with kryptonite so Luthor could set off missles?
OK - this will be a spoiler if you haven't seen the ep

Well I guess the twist was that because Lionel was in Clark's body he now knows the powers & strength that Clark has and it "explains a lot"

Its always a great way to show that actors really are actors and not their roles - when you have Tom Welling playing Clark with Lionel's mannerisms and speech patterns - he was pretty good! of course John Glover was brilliant as Clark in Lionel's body - you just new Clark was in there!

Along the way Lionel/Clark managed to pee off Lana and Chloe and upset the coach by quitting the team.

And the final zinger was at the end - after they get switched back - Lionel is in the prison doc's office and the doc says he cannot understand it - he has a perfectly functioning liver - how could that have happened. Lionel replies that he has no memory of the last few days, but feels he is a different man

So the question is, does Lionel remember being in Clark's body?? Tune in next week................