Which Charmed one are you?


It goes on.....
Apr 22, 2001
Okay i've been wasting WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much time online lately, and one thing i've found is some kinda fun "which charmed character are you most like?" kinda quizes. I've done three so far (please don't ask why). The first one was probably the best, and really long, but i can't remember the website and can't re-find it. This is the latest one i've done - its really quick and easy. http://selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php?client=charmedp4

Now - the scary thing is that my result has been the same each time. I am most like Leo - go figure

"Your an angel...literally!
you guide and help others
your a kind person and always willing to comprimise
your a friend to all"

Well now you know :D

Have a go - and if anyone knows of any really good ones, i'd love to try it again.
Your most like Prudence Halliwell!
Your stubborn and strong willed
youd do anything to save an inncoent
your a natural leader and always are looking out for every 1

What happens if you don't like your results?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Okay just finished all the questions:

Here is what it said:

Your most like Paige Matthews
Your stubborn and strong willed, you first had trouble being a witch but caught on quickly.
You love to help other people.
Your kind and funny and would do anything for your friends.

Have you got some more links to other websites Maria, want to see if I get Paige again
Thanks Maria. Answered all of the questions, but this time I got Piper.
i just done the quiz and i got paige....wishing i REALLY had her powers though!!

Evolution you're gonna have to do a third charmed quiz as a tie-breaker!!

Maybe. But what happens if I then get Pheobe?

I like Paige. She's cool. And as it stands at the moment I'm a mixture of Paige and Piper. My two favourite characters. Interesting fusion. Should go down well. :D
Yeah absolutely. The crazy fun party girl Paige, and the more grown up sensible think about things Piper. It's a brilliant mix. :D

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