Okay - even with the weird hype-ing the WB did about this episode - I really liked it...
which is cool considering I got spoiled about one plot point -
Very nicely done -- the spoily bit was about Cordy returning - it was EVERYWHERE! not as bad as the stuff about JM moving to AtS, but it was all over the place... which - grr - hello - not everyone wants to know that stuff - we like surprises -
Anyway - it was a nice set-up and a great way to get the gang back on track.
Spike playing the X-box was funny! Donkey Kong -
(JM is *big* into videogames - makes it funnier!) But, beer in a can? thought he was a 'beer in a bottle' kind of guy -
And the slow-mo walk down the hall and Cordy being all happy and chatting up Spike as he strutted down the hall, vamped out and slammed her against the wall, sinking the fangs in - that was cool!
The Lindsay - Angel fight was kinda cool too -- but what was that thing in the cage that's designed to go after Angel?
Harmony and Eve - that was a fun fight too!
Angel: Harmony, she's talking.
Harm: She is? Already?
Angel: I don't want to put anyone in harm's way that I care about.
Spike: I'll go.
Angel: Okay.
um - typical - thought they were gettin' past that stuff though? What are they? Brothers? of the ages of like 5 and 7? I mean - ugh - get over it and work together you nits....
and on words that rhyme with 'nit'
Spike: ... you gormless git.
Angel: Did you call me a t*t. (hey, he said it on the show - and it didn't get censored)
not sure what the next line was - was laughing...
This was a nicely done episode --- and the end - the end was sad - do they do that on purpose? someone has to die at the end of the 100th episode? If Firefly had kept going would Joss have done the same there??
So - other thoughts???