A few thoughts about Atlantis and SGC in general

Ko'or Oragahn

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2002
There's a thing I'm totally disagreeing with :
The so-called fact that we need the SGC.

The SGC is a part of Stargate, but it is not the Stargate universe in its whole. It's a part of the Tau'ri history, but there's so much to do than centering all the universe on the contemporary SGC based on Earth.

I think that people don't realize the problem put by the SGC in relation to the Stargate franchise.

Look, we already had two damn huge Goa'uld ships exploding above our heads, one thing that even amateurs could spot with their scopes. We probably had many other things that I may have missed cause I missed a damn load of episodes (yeah yeah yeah, I know, boooooooooo).

How far will we be able to stretch the cord before it breaks ?
How far could we invent things and say that only a few people on Earth are aware of them ?
Damn, we even have *our* own starship now ! What's next ? A Death Star ? Enterprise ?

Come on, the story arc around the SGC was great for seven seasons, but we - ahem, they - can't milk it until it gets dry.
Musn't tell about the Stargate. That's the leitmotic of SG-1 now.
You can't help, that's how it is, and it will soon reach its limits, if it's not already done.

Yes, SG1 is great. But again, how many conspiracies ? How long will we be fed with that story of the government not telling the truth ? That's just a clone of X-Files you know, safe we got space travel. Logically, the show has dwelved even more into this strand of conspiracies. May I say trend.

We need something fresh. Really fresh. Still Stargate, but not about our actual problems.

Now about the Ancients as being the Atlantes... it doesn't make sense. Look at the technology of the Ancients. Safe a lone Stargate found inside a giant freezer, there are no artifacts at all from a civilization that mastered space faring and wormholes travels, plus even managed to create basic time machines (well, nearly).

And nothing of that is even left ? Not a trace of a ship, nor a piece of technology, nor a bit of hitech building. Absolutely nothing. Worse than the Volians. No-thing. And I wonder how and above all why a civilization like the Ancients would have remained living on a small island or continent of Earth and not even try to expand on the whole planet. Nah, my bet is that the story arc of Atlantis is bigger than just something like Atlantes = Ancients.

Now, I have my own idea of what the story arc of Atlantis could be, but I won't tell what. I keep my ideas for myself. :blush:
Originally posted by Ko'or Oragahn
Look, we already had two damn huge Goa'uld ships exploding above our heads, one thing that even amateurs could spot with their scopes. We probably had many other things that I may have missed cause I missed a damn load of episodes (yeah yeah yeah, I know, boooooooooo).
But, the likelihood of seeing it was very small - explosions lasting only a matter of seconds, in a small part of the sky - for the half the planet it would be in a blind-spot, the other half may or may not have been day-time, I've not looked to see. Either way, people would have to be looking in that direction, and, as so amusingly put in "Armageddon" by Billy Bob Thornton's character, "it's a big-ass sky".
Originally posted by Ko'or Oragahn
Now about the Ancients as being the Atlantes... it doesn't make sense. Look at the technology of the Ancients. Safe a lone Stargate found inside a giant freezer, there are no artifacts at all from a civilization that mastered space faring and wormholes travels, plus even managed to create basic time machines (well, nearly).
And as any semi-competent archaeologist will tell you, absence of proof is not proof of absence. Just because we haven't found the artefacts and archaeology YET, doesn't mean it isn't there. For example, if it is all under the Antarctic ice-cap, we haven't really had much chance to look for it for a few thousand years. As the pro-Bible proponents would (have) argue(d), the "evidence" for humans post-chimpanzee evolution fits into a box the size of suitcase; even after a hundred years of collecting specimens - hardly a "mass" of evidence - so much assumption from so little. Archaeology is often like that - so maybe we haven't found it yet. There are plenty of examples around the world even in the last few decades of "new" peoples who had been rumoured suddenly being found in the depths of Asian or pan-American jungles, deserts etc. We have explored only a certain percentage of the surface of the Earth, and only a microscopic proportion of the sub-surface.
There are plenty of examples around the world even in the last few decades of "new" peoples who had been rumoured suddenly being found in the depths of Asian or pan-American jungles, deserts etc.

Well, I heard that about ethnies found in the depths of the jungles, but not in desert...

We have explored only a certain percentage of the surface of the Earth, and only a microscopic proportion of the sub-surface.

Well, that would be a tight ass pulled to say that every place we already explored didn't house the Ancients, that conveniently, everywhere we haven't been yet, there were remnants of the Ancients.
That's a big coincidence to swallow.

Btw, what would be the point of the stargates if all the scheme of events of the spin-off had to occur mostly on Earth ?
(Before reading the following points, please realize that some of them could be huge hoaxes and others are just theories - possibly far fetched but still interesting nonetheless from a scifi/fantasy pov. Most of the things reported here should be taken with a big grain of salt anyway. Beware.)

- Pyramids existed in Atlantis. It seems, from what I read (but I consider them hoaxes until confirmed or proved) that huge pyramids were already found in
Now I checked Chronos' pyramid, and it has many similarities with Râ's ship, above all when you look at the basement.
arious places below the surface of the ocean. Some of the excavations report that weird features could be spotted, like self lit rooms or even that some pyramids had their apex made of crystal.
- Some weird theories suppose that the Atlanteans had a exceptionnaly devlopped technology, mostly based on crystals.
It seems that an artifact was found. It was a crystal which contained some small pyramids inside, and it was able to focuse the energies (err... real ones, not that kind of mystic energy). It is said that this crystal has been studied in an american univesity if I'm not wrong.
- We are also said that there might have been a huge war, and that somehow, most of the Earth surface was wiped out or even disintegrated (big zat gun effect), wiping out most the traces of ancients civilizations and throwing the Earth into a long dark age.


Supra ass-pulled theory :

Stargate : Atlantis will fearure the war between Atlantis and the Rama Empire.
It will show how the Goa'uld got involved in that struggle.
Most of the plot would happen on Earth or not far away.


A group of persons have a problem and they desperately need to find the Ancients and will be brought to a new planet called Atlantis.

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