Tok'Ra Lantash will be in Atlantis?? How??

What? Of course there have been stargates on Earth in the past otherwise where did you think they got the stargate for SG-1 from.

There was the stargate buried in Egypt and that found in the Antartic (with speculation on Atlantis and Ancients) I might add.
heres what i think... the ancients who built the gate system, ruled in atlantis, but left as they began to explore space, perhaps it could be all about that stuff the uprising of the goa'uld and the downfall of atlantis, could also include the asguard and the nox and the ferlings possibly fighting the goa'uld, ya never know Ra' might make an appearance... it would make sense if it was set in the past.. it would be interesting
I hope that its not in the past. Thats kind of a lame "cop out". Its just like StarTreK. Who cares about "what was", I want to know "what happens next?".
they could deal with what was later on... i think a show from in the past, revealing how it was all started would make a good show, it would get my vote over watching repeats every weeks, they are re playing 2 eps of stargate every wed night on sky one they are all from S1 to S4/5 which i have mainly seen, would be good to know how the stargate ended up on earth
I think there are two big influences at the moment which have prompted this potential swing:

a) a reasonable sized industry trend towards prequels and "in the beginning" stories, such as "Enterprise", Star Wars, even "Red Dragon" etc.

b) The large following of the "alternative history" section of the bookshop, the Bauvals, Hancocks and von Danigens of this world, trying to piece together possible alternative beginnings which "mainstream" research doesn't consider.
Originally posted by PTeppic
I think there are two big influences at the moment which have prompted this potential swing:

a) a reasonable sized industry trend towards prequels and "in the beginning" stories, such as "Enterprise", Star Wars, even "Red Dragon" etc.

b) The large following of the "alternative history" section of the bookshop, the Bauvals, Hancocks and von Danigens of this world, trying to piece together possible alternative beginnings which "mainstream" research doesn't consider.

1) "StarTrek", Before Enterprise began and right after Voyager ended, I wanted to see what happened next (after Voyager's final Epp). Then Enterprise came out and it seemed like Paramount had traded their modern auto for a mule&waggon combo. I thought the idea about an all Klingon show was cool, or what about 1000 years ahead?? The best thing for Stargate would be to stay in the same time, but have a "Team" of non-earth people(and\or non-human) go through the gate.

2) "Executive producer Robert C. Cooper has said that the film "evolves the Stargate." From this I take that the gate changes in some functional way. And is this just the Earth-gate or all of them? So if the new show is in the past, then at some point the gate(s) would have to "devo" (de-evolve) back to the current "Normal" state. They might just have it happen in the film, then have the film connect to the show in some way.

3) I like that "alternative history" idea. Endless ideas come to mind. With that, they could do anything.

4) I don't know if I can wait another 13 days for my R1 Season2 Box-set. It's killin' me. Waiting for 2 years is a year and a half too long.
1. Yeah, prequels is in fact a very good concept. History is always interesting.

2. New functions. Ok, maybe time travel ? Or maybe dimension travel ?

3. Well, yes and no. Of cours,e then we could say that all we saw was just an alternative reality and then we could release much more things and the existence of the Stargates could be revealed, but, well, sounds like that ALIEN³ was a dream thingie, an option I'm not found of at all. Uchrony or something like that ?

4. :)
If Lantash is still expected to be featured in SGA, then it seems that yes, whether we're gonna have some alternative reality, or it will be set in the far past, maybe beyond what evolutionnists actually consider to be the dawn of the humans.
It could become very hard to not screw up.
After watching the episode last night where Lantash and Lt. Elliot supposedly died, well, they leave you to draw your own conclusions. The ep. ends with Elliot leaning up against a tree and SG-1 going to hide with "Footsteps approaching" (according to my captioning). Then the screen goes black.

SG-1 obviously gets back to the SGC, so they got through the gate somehow, but what's not shown is that Lantash/Elliot do in fact die.

I for one would like to see him return in Atlantis.
Yes, but the only way he would be able to escape in his "current" health state would be assisted, which is unlikely. Especially with his intent to use the binary gas....
Oh, I agree. I'm not saying he isn't dead, just that we didn't "see" him die. Which, as we all know, in the world of Sci-Fi television can mean just about anything.

He could have miraculously escaped the gas.
The Goa'uld could have removed the symbiote and let Lt. Elliot die.
He could have had some kind of strange immunity to the gas.
They could have had a sarcophagus near the 'gate (for some unknown reason) that he could have hidden in and healed himself as he set off the gas.

The possibilities are endless.

Also, I think a story in the past would be really awefull. Hollywood really needs to get off of it's prequel kick and start making good movies and shows again. IMO, it would be cool to have Jonas on the new team, set in the present or very near future. He is, after all, an alien, and as Nirti recently disclosed, is more alien than human than we have yet to see. There are lots of interesting things they could do with his character in a new show set off-world.

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