What was cut from AOTC?


Save Angel!
Jun 13, 2001
I found a transcript of Attack of the CLones at this website:

Scrolling though it, looking for particular parts, I came across one or two sections that I did not recognize from the film:

The vast rotunda is buzzing with chatter. MAS AMEDDA, the Supreme Chancellor's majordomo, tries to quiet things down as PALPATINE confers with an AIDE, UV GIZEN, riding a small one man floating scooter.

Order! We shall have order! The motion
for the Republic to commission an army
takes precedent, and that is what we
will vote on at this time.

Everything quiets down. The AIDE disperses, and SUPREME CHANCELLOR PALPATINE steps to the podium.

...My esteemed colleagues, excuse
me... I have just received some
tragic and disturbing news. Senator
Amidala of the Naboo system... Has
been assassinated!

There is a shock silence in the vast arena.

This grievous blow is especially
personal to me. Before I became
Chancellor, I served Amidala when
she was Queen. She was a great
leader who fought for justice, not
only in this honourable assembly,
but also on her home planet. She
was so loved she could have been
elected queen for life. She
believed in public service, and
she fervently believed in
democracy. Her death is a great
loss to us all. We will all mourn
her as a relentless champion of
freedom... and as a dear friend.


This totally didn't happen in the movie - well, not in the version I saw anyway.

I wonder if many scenes ended up on the cutting room floor that might help clarify some of the confusion and make the plot a bit more sense?
On another board, someone posted that there was an extra scene, when Obi Wan is researching the planetary system in the Library. There is a statue of Count Dooku there, and he asks the librarian about the Count, and is given a run-down of all his exploits. I have no idea if that is true or not, but they said that it was in an early draft of the screenplay.
Yes - that is in the script I link to as well. In fact there are several references to Dooku which help explain who he was and what he did - something we miss out on in the film. I hope these extra scenes were filmed and we eventually end up with them as extras on DVDs or whatever.

I emailed the bloke that runs the site, and while he declined to tell me where he got the script from, he said that the unfamiliar scenes were ones that were cut.
All of that stuff about Count Dooku is in the book, if you can't get your hands on the script.

Also, the scene is pretty quick, but you can see Obi-Wan in the movie looking at Count Dooku's statue. The first time I saw the movie I didn't notice that the statue was Dooku. After I read the book, I watched the movie more carefully and I could tell it was him.
Actually, everything you all mentioned was in the book. Just after the attempt on Padme, we get the scene Tabitha first asked about, then later the extra info on Count Dooku.

When I first clicked on this thread, I thought you were going to ask about the missing 3 seconds from the film-transfer version. The digital version had about 3 to 5 seconds more in the "wedding" scene, but I've yet to find anyone asking about that.

Did you guys see the digital version?
Originally posted by pkgrl

Did you guys see the digital version?

Erm, don't want to sound dim here, but how would I know if I had or not? I didn't know there was the cut you mention in the wedding scene - was there anything exciting that happened that I might have missed?
Not dim at all. :D But you'd KNOW if you saw the digital version. There was none of that film "noise" with the little visual imperfections and the annoying black blip in the upper right-hand corner that reminds the projectionist to change the reel. The picture was perfect! Super-ultra-crystal clear! :D

If you want me to spill the added detail, I will... not that I think of it as any kind of spoiler, but some people might not want to know, and since I'm new to the SW forum, I figured I'd be ultra careful.
Ah, okay. I did find the absolutely biggest screen in Vancouver to watch it on, I think it may well have been a digital presentation because it was the clearest picture I have *ever* seen.

I was speaking with admin Dave the other day about spoiler policy in Star Wars, and the conclusion was basically that anyone posting on the boards had likely seen AOTC by now, but speculation or hard info on the Epsiode 3 should be kept in that forum.

So, post away, I would like to hear the info, but maybe put spoiler gray around it in case anyone wants to avoid it :)
You got it!

In case anyone really doesn't want to know the difference between the digital version and the film transfer version of AOTC...
In the film version of the wedding, as Anakin reaches to his bride to kiss her, he takes her hand with his real one, but only flexes the fingers of his new gold hand. In the digital version, he actually takes her hand in his new gold one. It's symbolic, but I have no idea why Lucas would have left that out of the film version... unless it was a mistake.

Now, back to your usual reading. :)
That is strange! I think I must have seen the digital version. I would be interested to know the reason behind the two different cuts. I can't see any reason behind even having the two different ones, never mind releasing two cuts to theatres...
I must have seen the digital version too. I thought that Lucas only wanted it shown in digital theatres, that's why it was shown in less theatres than Ep. I.

In the UK we also had another 1 second cut by the censors to give it a U classification. I heard that a head-butt was taken out. Can you tell me where exactly did that taked place, it wasn't obvious to me where it could have been.
I read that the added scene in the digital was added at the last minute. And the film versions had already been sent out. I think I read it in scifiweekly, but it could have been somewhere else. The article did say why he added it, but I stupidly can't remember what it said.
HeyLenny! That's not much help, but thanks anyway. :(

As for the head-butt, it was in the fight between Jango and Obi-Wan... the dastardly bounty hunter head-butted our intrepid and heroic Jedi. :angryfire The cad!

Those UK censors find head-butting really violent, don't they? The once rated an episode of Farscape more harshly than others because there was "one too many head-butts" and the one they objected to was between an actor and a puppet! Just a bit over-the-top with that assessment, eh?

Can you tell I've seen AOTC seven times? Just saw it again last Saturday... still had a friend who hadn't seen it with me yet.

BTW, at work, I'm known as the Star Wars Queen. :D
Actually, the fact that it was added at the last minute makes sense. Helps me reconcile the fact that they were different, too. I just couldn't figure out why Lucas would do that deliberately.

Wish you could find the article, though. :(

Thanks anyway. :wave:
I wish I could too. I looked in the scifiweekly.com newsletter again but it wasn't there. It could have been in the week before though and I deleted that one. Oh well. Maybe someone else read it somewhere.

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