We never get to see Trip actually fixing anything


Red Pixie Boot Wearer
Mar 12, 2001
Everytime something needs fixing, it seems Trip will look at it, say something like, "This things totally busted", next seen he'll be holding it up saying, "there we go". I want to see that he actually knows what he's doing. Scotty always had these crazy ideas going on and Geordi would explain word for word what he was doing, I want to see that Tucker knows what the hell he's doing.
Well, in 'Silent Enemy' he builds the phase cannons, but I agree, I'd like to see him doing more.
I remember that he refused to fix some plumbing, because the aliens of the week would think he was a 'Sanitary Engineer'. Well why didn't he train to be a Counsellor instead -- get to work mate!

He can start with that deck vibration in Archer's quarters, no one ever fixed that, and now they've got it on the 'Fortunate Son' as well, obviously its an infectious condition aboard starships of the future.
Well, Scotty, Geordi, O'Brien and B'Elanna never got too oily, but at least you would see them down a deckplate with wires and isolinear chips strewn about, or up a Jefferies Tube with some gigantic monkey wrench.
O'brian ALWAYS looked as though he had done something... he was never all neat and tidy..
Well in a upcoming episode guess what ???

We dont see trip fixing anything.. what a surprise but trip becomes a photographer.... I am saying no more
he does need to actually 'do' some work -

i'm still trying to figure out why he's on the bridge so much -

what is the chief engineer doing on the bridge watching the viewscreen? no wonder Mayweather and Reed get left out of the storyline - all their parts/lines are taken by the guy who should be crawling around a Jefferies Tube! :D
Geordi was on the bridge quite a bit as well.. but i agree with ya
Trip's more of a 'tell other people what to do and let them get dirty' kinda' engineer.
We see him 'do' lots of work in 'Shuttlepod One', he is fiddling with broken equipment the whole episode, while Malcolm makes his recordings to loved ones. I can't say more without spoiling it, but watch and he has a tool in his hand for most of the episode, and actually gets something working again.
only just... LOL... no he actually does some work for once

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