Enigma/Solitudes/The Curse/Serpent's Venom


Rob Cooper's #1 Fan
Nov 20, 2000
Well, I think I got all the episodes that were shown this week. I think one thread is easier than 4. So just put a title for the ep you're gonna talk about.

One of my favs, I haven't watched it yet cos I was at work, but I can't wait to see it again. Hey Shaz and Jackers, what did you think of the Sam/Narim kiss. Wasn't it the sweetest thing? j/k :lol: :lol:

Now this was only the second time I've ever seen this ep and I was totally blown away. What was so wonderful about this episode was the sheer quality of acting. RDA and AT were truely brilliant. I think this ep is some of their best work. They really did an outstanding job. It's nice to know that the special effects etc. don't need to be there to make the show something special. The actors really carried this episode.

I was reading somewhere that the director brought in these huge cold machines so that the set would be freezing for AT and RDA. You can tell it's really cold just by the way they're shivering.

So what did everyone else think?
I couldn't watch the kiss!!! :dead: Thats just plain wrong!!!!

I don't really like Enigma...not one of my favs....Solitudes, on the other hand, is one of my all time favourite episodes!!! Except for the whole Sara thing!!! :D :D
I wasnever a huge fan of solitudes (but not because of the Jack/Sam/Sarah thing :D ), but after watching it agin last night, I realised that it was Dan Shea's first big episode.

I must admit, i've become a bit of a Siler fan since meeting Dan in person.

Enigma... I've always liked. I really like the character of Nareem.
Originally posted by ShelbyS
Hey Shaz and Jackers, what did you think of the Sam/Narim kiss. Wasn't it the sweetest thing? j/k :lol: :lol:

hmmmph. Yeah right.(SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER)
But I LOVED it when Daniel interupted! That "whoops".....hehehe.

I thought Sam still had Schroedinger though, I never realised she gave him away.

Solitudes.........WHAT can I say.

Originally posted by ShelbyS
Now this was only the second time I've ever seen this ep and I was totally blown away. What was so wonderful about this episode was the sheer quality of acting. RDA and AT were truely brilliant. I think this ep is some of their best work. They really did an outstanding job. It's nice to know that the special effects etc. don't need to be there to make the show something special. The actors really carried this episode.

Absolutely, I totally agree. The acting was wonderful. I love the last part...(SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER)

where Sam is fading in and out and we see flashes of the rescue...I thought that was REALLY well done.

Originally posted by ShelbyS
I was reading somewhere that the director brought in these huge cold machines so that the set would be freezing for AT and RDA. You can tell it's really cold just by the way they're shivering.

Yeah, I think thats half the reason the acting was so good..they didn't have to act to the environment, the environment was there for them.

It was an excellent two episodes. I like Enigma, I finally watched the first Tollan ep! All in all, a great thursday line up, kick off with a good JAG, (you know, as a warm up) and then two exciting episodes. BUT can you believe my friend had the NERVE to call me at 830? She KNOWS I refuse to speak to anyone on the phone while Stargate's on! So just as the sponser ad came on I took the phone and told her to ring me back in two hours. :D
Solitudes is really an emotional ep ..........
Sam just has tears in her eyes everytime Jack looks hurt ...........

so sweet ....... :D
One of my favs. It started off slowly (and without the tension of thinking Steven was a Goa'uld), but the end sequence in Egypt was brilliant.
I also liked the whole 'Jack and Teal'c go fishing' thing:

"If you require assistance, I would be more than happy to return to the SGC."
"No, it's okay."
(Quietly)"Are you certain?"

Also good. I liked Apophis' face-thing, but his 70's disco attire had me more than a little worried.:rolly2: Plus Jacob is always fun to have around...
And of course, the one scene that's going to have me laughing to myself for weeks: Jack shooing the mines away while piloting the ship (Where'd he learn to do that, anyway?).
The Curse:
This episode was very good but was I the only one that knew Steven was not a Goauld. He was just this "I'm a Goauld" character and I knew the writers were going to try and make it a surprise so it couldn't be him. Anyway the best bits in the episode were the fishing trip and Janet, Sam and Daniel working together.

"If Thor needs me, he's going to have to beam me up! If it's the Tok'ra, forget it!"

Serpents Venom:
This was pretty good episode especially inside the ship. Some good parts were when Sam was under the mine and it started to go down on her, and everyones reaction when they find out about Teal'c.

Carter: What does Selmac say?
Jacob: Try again
Daniel: Very helpful
squire..... i think we're been screwed here!!


we received watergate and the first ones!!!

note: next week we get stargate from 10:00 - 12:00
I'm so sorry South Aussies! I thought you guys were on the same eps as Victoria.

By all means, tell us what you thought of Watergate and The First Ones? :wave:

10:00 - 12:00 What is with that wacky time?
i really loved Solitudes...probably my fav episode for season 1 :D

btw on the primetv.com.au website they have a 5mb powerpoint presentation about 2002 programming, and they mentioned stargate :D :D

there is also a really kewl picture of sg1 and hammond from fire and water.

(this is what is written)


Prime’s hit futuristic series, Stargate, continues to tap into Australia's fascination with the idea of life existing somewhere else in our universe. Following the adventures of Special Forces Colonel Jack O’Neill and Egyptologist Daniel Jackson, the Stargate team stretched our imaginations even further as they fought to save an entire alien race, investigated several government conspiracies, and thwarted a burgeoning alliance between two Goa’uld system lords. With the expertise of Major Samantha Carter and Teal’c, the new year promises to continue to excel in thought-provoking, action-packed and adventure-filled wonders from the SG-1 team – television viewing that should definitely not be missed!

Cast: Richard Dean Anderson, Michael Shanks, Amanda Tapping and Christopher Judge
That's gotta be the best thing i've heard a tv thing say about Stargate!!! Ususally the comments are so negative!!!!
yeah...but you cant take much notice of it, as prime have absolutely no credibility ;)
very true! ;)

the other night I rented You've got mail and at the beginning, where they show trailers, they had a really long stargate trailer!!! The comments were so good that i had to watch it a few times over!!! I taped it because it was so good!!! lol...:D
it was for the tv series. It was great, they showed clips from the pilot and throughout season 1 and maybe some of two, i cant remember, and there was this guy doing a voice over for it and it was really good. I was going to write out transcript of it, but i havent got around to it!!! :rolly2: :D
me too :D
ill capture it with my tv card for sg1 online
Ok so I am not in Australia (been there once, had mucho fun), but I just had to add the fact that my favourite Jack quote ever is in the episode "Solitudes"

"It's my sidearm, I swear"

I am laughing just thinking about it :lol:

As for the real ice - the extras in the european DVDs have a piece about that ep. I guess it must have been a relatively cheap shoot as most of it is just two people in a room! Apparently all the footage of Amanda sliding down the hole was all real - she kept losing her footing and they kept rolling as she fell.
I would've done the same but i dont have a capture card!!

:D :rolly2: :cool:
capture cards are kewl

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