I just realized... (the choice, revenging angel, fractures spoilers)


Ultimate J/A shipper!
Feb 10, 2001
that my emotional compass has completely reversed.
From late season two to "The Choice" I was relating to Aeryn more than anyone, even John, the only HUMAN on the show.

But after "The Choice" and the emotional void it left me in, my identification has gone back to good ol' JC, and for the first time ever, MoyaJohn, not TalynJohn. :eek: I felt the shift toward MoyaJohn begin in "Revenging Angel" when I cried because John was so alone... even among his friends, he was alone... he DIED alone. Only the thought of Aeryn brought him back. His will to see her again, to love her again. :naughty:

In "The Choice" then later in "Fractures" Aeryn kept herself so cut off from everyone, including the audience, that I couldn't identify with her like I had earlier. :(

Anyone else notice this happening with them? Or am I just way too affected by this show?

No Farscape tonight :mad: PkGrl
I've only seen up to IP1

but I know what happens, roughly, in the rest of what we've seen so far

so I'm still hooked on TJ/A's relationship :D:D
Wait till you see...

The Choice, Oz, you'll see what I mean. Since I don't usually read spoilers, and the description of this episode was so vague, I had myself all primed for an emotional breakdown for Aeryn. I was convinced that she was going to be a blubbering wreck. :(

But she was so numb from drink and cynicism that by the end of the episode, when she makes her choice, I felt numb, too. I was completely drained. I couldn't sleep, but I couldn't really do much of anything else either. I tried to get onto the sci-fi board to talk about it, but that thing gets jammed after eps, so I couldn't even get the page to load. (I have to see if other Yanks on this board get together like that after eps. Might help me in January.)

And you already know that IP2 is gonna kill you, don't you? Remember, Claudi said the hardest scene for her from the entire season was when John was about to take off on his mission. She broke everyone's heart because of her reaction to his news. :crying: She is just that good.

Later, PkGrl
must admit that epy was a shocker all kinds of feelings went wizzing around and i was woried i honestly didnt know what aeryn was going to do!!
I know

I'm scared and excited all at the same time :disturbed:disturbed
And at this point, I don't know what's worse; being afraid and excited at the same time, or looking forward to feeling that way again!

:disturbed :disturbed :disturbed

I gotta go, get back out into the real world :smile:

Later, PkGrl
Hmm...I kind of lost track of this conversation somehow :D but I think I could allways identify with John the most (well I'm a guy and hell yeah I would have done the same in out of their minds :D )and only went "awww...she's so gorgeous" everytime Aeryn pops up. I don't really know if I liked T/J or M/J more I mean I really wanted to be T/J because he had ALL the action (you know what I mean :naughty: ) , but he's dead so I may think that over again. M/J still was a cool guy and I don't know why nobody liked him, in Scratch 'n' Sniff he was outstanding and even if it was funny it was a dark story about druckdealers, death, slavery and John in strokings (loved that scream in the window :D ). So after all I identify my self with the Astronut John and love Aeryn :D.

This may all be totaly out of context, but like I mentioned before I kind of lost track of this conversation. :D

Grifter :upto:
were ya been grifter .ahahah

were talking about The Choice and what aeryn might be doing . in her life now shes back on moya

Grifter, I have just fallen in love with you! You make me laugh with the truth! That's so rare...

"hell yeah I would have done the same in out of their minds"


I loved the scream at the beginning of SNS, too.
I'm sending you an extra picture that proves it. ;)

Now that I'm not lauging uncontrollably, Grifter, you didn't lose track of the conversation... that's just the wierdness that happens when you combine a Yank, a Limey and an Aussie. :D The main focus of the thread is, has anyone noticed that they are identifying less w/Aeryn?

As humans (male or female) we were meant to identify with John throughout the show. It's just that Claudia is such an awesome actress, that I'd begun to identify more with Aeryn than John, but now that she's cutting us all off emotionally, I'm back to identifying with John. I'm the fan that Kemper really likes. The one he can manipulate throughout the course of the show. When he wants us to cry, I bawl :crying:, when he wants us to laugh, I scream with delight :lol:, when he wants us to think, I do (and usually get mad). DK takes me on an emotional rollercoaster every week, and that's why I look forward to the trip every week.

Since I tape the show, I can watch it, get first impressions, then re-watch it and look for the big picture ideas that DK wants us to see. Sometimes I miss some, and that's why I have you guys (and gals). :D

I don't like not being able to identify with Aeryn because I like Claud so much... she SO rocks! I'm frustrated, almost as much as John... well, maybe.

Later, PkGrl
mm the very First FS marrage lolool
only J/k ing ..;p

i think atm i identify with john . only because of his being rejected . it almost shadows my life . which i can follow .
So its funny how people can identify with characters .. with their own lifes .. very .. Human really
Because of the way claudia portrays aeryn, it seems like she was becoming more human (before TJ's death) I think, when John kept telling Aeryn that she could be more, he didn't know it consciously, but I think he meant she could be more human. I mean peacekeepers are all duty and that, whereas humans are different.

I think I just made absolutely no sense whatsoever then, I'm just not real good at expressing what I mean :D:D

I hated English!!
Oh, I'm flattered. :blush: :blush: :blush:

Normally women only want to kill me because of that saying the truth thing in my character :D ;) :D
women love the truth grifter .. its just thay have to chose wether they belive its the truth or not hahhah
Truer than you know! We like the truth, we just also admire tact. Couching the truth in flattery is always smart, too ;) And it's not too late for me to kill you, either :upto:

And Oz, I think John meant "more than a soldier", more than a Peacekeeper. I mean, look at him: he's an athlete, a scientist, an astronaut, a pilot, and now an adventurer (first human outside our solar system). He IS more than what he was probably told he could be. He probably believes everyone can be more than they "are" when he meets them.

I think the fact that we see her as having become more "human" is just the purpose of the show's creators. They've rounded all the characters so that we can see more "human" traits in all of them. Calling those traits human is probably a bit "racist" on our part... ie. only humans are capable of compassion or empathy, when any sentient species might be. That's why Kemper, and Claud, keep reminding us that Aeryn's an alien. She shouldn't be expected to respond like a human, but she IS capable of it.

And you're fine at saying what you think. I got the picture. :D

Later, PkGrl
He he he...true, but I have to admit that tact is not allways one of my strong sides. I have the bad habit to say what I think without any holding back and that doesn't exactly qualify me for prince charming of the year. ;) Probaply that's why the women allways want to kill me. :D :D :D
ta pkgrl

I think you're right :D:D

and tact is a very good thing to have boys :D:D

hope you're paying attention :D:D

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