that my emotional compass has completely reversed.
From late season two to "The Choice" I was relating to Aeryn more than anyone, even John, the only HUMAN on the show.
But after "The Choice" and the emotional void it left me in, my identification has gone back to good ol' JC, and for the first time ever, MoyaJohn, not TalynJohn. I felt the shift toward MoyaJohn begin in "Revenging Angel" when I cried because John was so alone... even among his friends, he was alone... he DIED alone. Only the thought of Aeryn brought him back. His will to see her again, to love her again. :naughty:
In "The Choice" then later in "Fractures" Aeryn kept herself so cut off from everyone, including the audience, that I couldn't identify with her like I had earlier.
Anyone else notice this happening with them? Or am I just way too affected by this show?
No Farscape tonight PkGrl
From late season two to "The Choice" I was relating to Aeryn more than anyone, even John, the only HUMAN on the show.
But after "The Choice" and the emotional void it left me in, my identification has gone back to good ol' JC, and for the first time ever, MoyaJohn, not TalynJohn. I felt the shift toward MoyaJohn begin in "Revenging Angel" when I cried because John was so alone... even among his friends, he was alone... he DIED alone. Only the thought of Aeryn brought him back. His will to see her again, to love her again. :naughty:
In "The Choice" then later in "Fractures" Aeryn kept herself so cut off from everyone, including the audience, that I couldn't identify with her like I had earlier.
Anyone else notice this happening with them? Or am I just way too affected by this show?
No Farscape tonight PkGrl