Aircraft through the Stargate?

Battlestar Galactica.... ahhh, wonderful. I remember when they had a marathon over here in Oz. I was glued to the screen for hours, forsaking bathroom breaks for cheesy stock footage. I loved it, really. I think I've got the MAD magazine ripoff of it somewhere in the cupboard, so if I find it, I'll try to scan it in and post it for you.
Battlestar Galactica! That brings back some great memories. Starbuck was my favorite. Hey, he kinda reminds me of RDA. :kisses:
Originally posted by Boydo
Just to qualify my answer: I work at SG-1 in the art dept.
Could a helicopter wit retracted rotors fit through the gate?
Absolutely. I worked on the .dxf files to manufacture the stargate, its plenty big enough at it's widest point to allow passage of very large cargo, sorry I can't remember the inside diameter at the moment,but it is sizeable.
As for getting a chopper or other large items into the gateroom, one detail you may have forgotten is that the gate is housed 28 floors underground in a deactivated missle silo, so although it would not be easy, anything that could be lowered by crane that could fit through an open icbm missle bay and did not exceed about forty feet in length (the approximate distance from the exterior control room wall to an event horizon surge) could be transported through the gate.
Glad to be of service.
Boydo, It's funny that you should pop in on the thread with this information. The SG-1 AF advisor was at the SG-1 convention and seemed to have just been sent information in the past few days about the interior dimentions of the Stargate. I surmise a future episode must deal with this sort of "what can we fit through the gate" issue. He couldn't recall the numbers and I don't remember him saying much about what AF aircraft could be possible to be sent though. I was really surprised that someone off-list asked him this question! It sparked a bit of a discussion in the Q&A.

So, as to how to get it in there, it's interesting that you say we don't really know what is above their heads in the gateroom. Still, I thought that rooms would be built above the gateroom level. I never thought everything in the SGC was built off to the sides of the main silo. Has anyone ever released a level-by-level floor plan of the SGC? I'm not thinking working drawings of the set, but a fictious SGC layout that fits everything we've seen in the base together in a reasonable way.
A Humbee would fit through and they could be rigged up easy for any task

Just a little work to the SGC and you could have a Humbee area in there
Originally posted by Neo
could well be.....
The FRED and MALPH are electric. I've been wondering why they'd settle on that since electric vehicles have such a finite range. I came to a conclusion that it be far eaiser to recharge something electric when the base is twenty-eight levels down. That helps to explain the big electric bill.

The other craft I've seen go through is the old spacecraft from "Into The Fire" and that's still got all that Gou'auld technology from long ago. Hasn't Jacob said that the Tok'ra were flitting around in spacecrafts while we on Earth were still primitative?
I realise this is an old thread; years old in fact. We now know (Atlantis +) that the Gate system was actually designed to accomodate the 'Puddle Jumpers'. So the question remains; why did they never send aircraft or helicopters through the gate?

Maybe just a huge nit. But the presence of this old thread begs the question even more!
Originally posted by Dave
I realise this is an old thread; years old in fact. We now know (Atlantis +) that the Gate system was actually designed to accomodate the 'Puddle Jumpers'. So the question remains; why did they never send aircraft or helicopters through the gate?

Maybe just a huge nit. But the presence of this old thread begs the question even more!
I think the simple answer here is logistics. Even something as small as an Aerospatile Gazelle, or Jet Ranger requires at least half dozen ground crew to line service, nearer a dozen to assemble it by the time you've made it man-handleable enough so you can get it down the steps that always seem to be infront of a gate (No you can't simply push it over the edge!).
Then you need nearly a thousand pounds of fuel every time you launch it, which is good for perhaps a three hour sortie.

Perhaps they could look at things like auto-gyroes, but these are well out of favour now in favour of remote drones, which they have used periodically through the gate?
So, it's purely a case of Logistics. I never thought about the difficulty of pushing it through the Gate unpowered, never mind getting it down twenty-eight levels of the base.
What's the estimated internal diameter of the gate - 10-12 feet? As part of my training for becoming a diplomat I was required to familiarise myself with Earth's aircraft, and there are very few military vehicles that will easily pass through a 12 foot aperture, without major modifications. Even those designed for aircraft carrier use, i.e. with folding wings, would have serious difficulty stripping down that small.

Getting such a craft into the base would be easy by comparison:

the main "missile silo" route used to remove the gate in "Redemption Part 2"
I was in Vancouver last weekend for the Stargate convention and I got to go on a tour of the set.

It was AWSOME!!!!!

I saw both the SGC gate and the Atlantis gate.

I am not sure how wide it is but it actually isn't that big. I stepped through the Atlantis gate but the SGC gate had the Iris closed on it.

The whole thing was so incredible. We saw the Puddle Jumper and the x-302!!
SOOO WAAAAYYYY jealous now! :ticking:

But I'm thinking it's the logistics... the interior diameter of the gate being one part of that problem. ;)
Originally posted by CynVision
. . . I never thought everything in the SGC was built off to the sides of the main silo. Has anyone ever released a level-by-level floor plan of the SGC?. .

The only way they could get the gate in was through the roof.
In one episode that had to haul the gate out and they used the roof.

I've seen some floor plans . . not sure if they are official or not, but one of the Role Play websites had a really big picture of the floor plans for at least one level.

I bet the Role Play books would have at least a basic layout of the base.

Edit: I thought of a reason why SG-1 would need an aircraft.

Island hopping.

That would be an interesting twist on a standard mission.

But would the gate builders place the gate . . ?
Or would someone move the gate to . . ?
And why?

Edit 2: Are there any other possible reasons to send a helicopter through?

I doubt it. It would take lots of time and preparation to send standard aircraft through.

In an emergency or battle it wouldn't be worth the effort since an enemy would probably destroy the asset in a heartbeat.

Plus, what about the supply line?
How do you keep standard vehicles fueled?

Unless we are talking an established base / known friendly territory that is well supplied . . . I wouldn't see much reason to send something through.
Originally posted by McHorde-Trooper
Unless we are talking an established base / known friendly territory that is well supplied . . . I wouldn't see much reason to send something through.
Which of course we see in S8 "Covenant"...
...where Sam takes some billionaire to an off-world X302 development site to persuade him not to publicise the Stargate program
Good point PTeppic.

They may have sent traditional vehicles there, but if they did I doubt it was a very extensive deployment.

By Season 8 Stargate Command should be developing vehicles using the various technologies they have picked up over the years. Maybe some unseen light transport vehicles with high tech shields, a naquida(sp?) based energy source, and the ability to hover.

Such a vehicle would spice up the standard method of operation.
It would provide opportunities for new stories and new battle scenes.
Originally posted by McHorde-Trooper
By Season 8 Stargate Command should be developing vehicles using the various technologies they have picked up over the years. Maybe some unseen light transport vehicles with high tech shields, a naquida(sp?) based energy source, and the ability to hover.
Some sort of cross between the MALP and a mobile armed turret (as per "Forever in a Day") but that floats, as per the speeder in Star Wars (Episode 4: A New Hope) ???

["These aren't the Jaffa you're looking for..."]
That might work.

I was sort of picturing a floating platform with some open air roll cages around individual seats and have light artillary (if any), but I didn't have anything very specific in mind. It would be functionally like a Jeep, but look diffrent.

My vague version would make up for the lack of physical armor with some kind of invisiable sheilds.

We really should at least see some field testing and maybe hear some explanations as to something like this hasn't been made or was made, but not used in action yet.

["These aren't the Jaffa you're looking for..."]

lol PTeppic :)

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