Wipeout a Wipeout? Or Right On? What do YOU think!

Ms Carolyn

New Member
Nov 14, 2000
First of all, let's start with some handy













That enough? :cool:

First of all, don't flame me. I enjoyed the episode. It was fun. That said, without further adieu, let me offer Ms. Carolyn's Inner Cynic's Mini-Review.

It was definitely great to see Bill (William Sadler) again, and he did his usual fine job. Likewise, Nick (Wechsler) was in fine form -- the Valentis were definitely the highlight of this episode. I enjoyed their bonding over the fish. The subsequent bickering, and Jim's rush to tell Kyle as much of the good stuff as he could when he thought he might be disappearing forever was wonderful. Excellent work by William Sadler! (Doesn't it make you want to run right out and put a William Sadler mouse pad on your desk? Sure it does! :D) Likewise, Kyle's, "Buddha forgive me, but I'm going to kick your ass!" was truly priceless.

As far as the rest of it was concerned -- I wasn't so much disappointed with the overall plot -- I had a lot of fun watching it, in that B-serial kind of way. I did have some questions about the direction and and the quality of acting by the majority of the cast. Katey, whom I usually like, seemed to be on cold meds. I'm hoping she WAS on cold meds, and will be back to her old self next ep. Jason, who emotes nicely but incoherently, needs someone to take him by his cute little cheeks (on his FACE, you nasty-minded people!), look him straight in the eyes and say, "E-NUN-CI-ATE! PLEASE!" The rest of the cast I'll leave alone, abiding by Thumper's Maxim. Although they may have just looked at the script and decided it was time to camp it up or die. Some did both! :D

The episode had some wonderfully witty one-liners. But lord, was it CHEEZY, or what??? I admit I enjoyed it, but it was definitely in a "guilty pleasure" kind of way. It reminded me a bit of "Spock's Brain" -- any old-time Trekkers out there will need no further explanation. :-D The rest of you --go rent it. Or catch the re-run on the SciFi Channel. I think you'll see the resemblance.

Favorite Bytes:

The "green glowing evil alien probe". How on earth did they get that past the censors?? LOL!

Maria's line to Liz, "that's just TOO Kathy Lee."

Maria's dumping a small pharmacy into the bathtub with Courtney -- including Pamprin.

The fishing scene. The look on Jim's face as he watched his "feast fit for a king" swim happily away.

Every minute Jim and Kyle were on screen together. Golden!

The bit at the end, where Valenti comes in and is being all warm and fuzzy with Alex, while Alex looks like he's wondering if the men in the white suits should be called.

Overall episode grade (on the ROSWELL curve): B. Like I said, I liked it. Truly!

Alas, poor Courtney, we hardly knew ye ... (and so much for that lucrative sponsorship deal with Lubriderm)

Next Week: The Pod Squad Meets the Punk Rockers From Hell? Stay tuned ...

Ms. Carolyn
Thanks Ms. Carolyn for the review. Overall, I didn't care for the episode, but I heartily concur that Mr. V and Nick "owned" every scene they were in. They have a wonderful dynamic together and I'd really love to see more of Nick this season. He's really shown a great deal of promise for such a young actor -- his comedic timing is perfect.

DC in the house! or is that the senate........;)

*waves at WDC* Glad to see your name pop up here!
Re: DC in the house! or is that the senate........;)

Originally posted by whisperpoe
*waves at WDC* Glad to see your name pop up here!

Poe -- Haven't I told you before -- lobbyists are like cockroaches, we pop up EVERYWHERE (and can't be killed unless you stomp us into the ground) LOL!!
I first thought of this while posting on another board, but it's a question I thought that folks here might be interested in, too.

If you'll pardon the arrogance (or is it just laziness? :D), allow me to quote myself:

>>You know, amidst the fun one-liners, tender father-son moments, and frequent cheesiness of Monday's episode, another point was reiterated that seems to keep getting lost in discussion of butts and Liz and Max's dreaminess. :p Namely, that while Max was the leader on his home planet, he wasn't necessarily a GOOD leader. Courtney's "renegade skins" thought that Michael should be in charge. His own sister betrayed him. Nicholas had some extremely telling (if biased) comments to make about Max's former character and conduct. The question that seems to arising is not so much "Can Isabel and Michael maintain their loyalty?" but "Can Max become a leader who deserves their loyalty?"

There's some fascinating, subtle stuff being set up here, and I just hope that it doesn't get completely displaced by relationshipper issues and budget-minded special effects.<<

Thoughts, anyone? Bueller? Anyone? :D

Ms. Carolyn
Actually Ms. Carolyn, I (and several of my friends) have raised that very issue over on another discussion board. It seems that our fearless leader may not have been: (a) such a great leader; and (b) as "beloved" as the mommagram would have us believe. If you believe what Courtney and the Skins have been saying lately, that is. I suppose that hinges directly upon how much credence you intend to give to those who are actively seeking to destroy Max and his faithful followers -- or "The Royal Four" to use the absolutely horrible phrase coined by the writers.

The possible plot development here is wonderful. Just think, they could actually explore whether or not making bad decisions (or even being a bad person) in another life should or does have any impact on what is happening in Max's current iteration. It also gives a depth of character to Max that has previously been lacking. Being too good, or too nice, or too responsible simply isn't realistic. Let's see them add some bad characteristics to the mix -- and then see, if on balance, Max is still worthy of being called a "leader." Well, that's the way I'd like to see it play out anyway.

But, I too am concerned that the writers may get sidetracked by other issues. I'm not as concerned about the relationships (I actually think they help to move the plot along) as much as I am concerned about the cheezy sci-fi elements they are throwing in.

In any event, it will be interesting to see what develops in the next several episodes.


Let's see them add some bad characteristics to the mix

mmm, I do like me some evil Max ;)

My thoughts have fallen on this topic alot lately. From all the little innuendo's, you have to wonder if Max wasn't a bit of a tyrant, therefore bringing on a revolution. Granted in any 'monarchy' in history, there have been those seeking to overthrow the throne, but sometimes that coup is a direct effect of the leader's themselves. There simply aren't enough clues yet for us to make a decision, maybe in the next few episodes with the upcoming {spoiler} thing happening, they will shed some light as to what the Once and Future King Maxalot was really like. :)
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