Kindle Direct Publishing. Getting a proof copy

What kind of errors?
It was small thing, but rather odd. In the eBook dedication it changed "encouraged" to "engouraged". It flipped that every time. The submitted text is fine.
It also lost the formatting for the whole enchilada when I tried submitting a minor revision to change an "a" to an "an" and change a couple of capitalised attributions . Turned the whole book into a continuous stream of text with no chapter list.
I will try again at some point, going through the whole process, not just swapping the body text.
As it is it reads fine but I see these things.
It was small thing, but rather odd. In the eBook dedication it changed "encouraged" to "engouraged". It flipped that every time. The submitted text is fine.
It also lost the formatting for the whole enchilada when I tried submitting a minor revision to change an "a" to an "an" and change a couple of capitalised attributions .
Ah -- I haven't got round to creating an ebook version of anything yet. I can see that the software must be more complex for that, and thus fraught with hazard. The spelling change seems very odd, though.
The formatting problem I see most often in Kindle books I have bought is that the bottom margin is not a consistent size.

This has concerned me, because I am planning to soon upload new editions of three of my books. (Actually I wonder if I wasn't thinking along those lines whether I would have even noticed the formatting in books I am absorbed in reading.)
The formatting problem I see most often in Kindle books I have bought is that the bottom margin is not a consistent size.
On Kindle? I would have thought that would be down to the Kindle's own software rather than the way the source file was formatted. Is it like a "widows and orphans" thing, where a paragraph can't begin on the last line of a page (in this case screen) or end on the first? I didn't know Kindle had that function, but maybe it does and the publisher can choose whether it's turned on or off.
No, it seems random. The book will be going along with the bottom margin set one way, and then for no apparent reason it will get much bigger for several chapters or even the rest of the book. Doesn't seem to me like the manuscript would be intentionally formatted that way. Possibly kindle software reacting to some invisible . . . something . . . in the ms. I understand little of these things, but I've just noticed this happening for whatever reason.
>It also lost the formatting for the whole enchilada when I tried submitting a minor revision to change

Ah, well, there's your problem. You uploaded an enchilada. Classic mistake.

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