Alan Dean Foster?

I've them all in NEL first paperback editions, starting with Icerigger itself from 1976.

There is an old thread here on ADF.

I read a lot of his movie Tie in books in the late 70's and early 80's. Splinter of the Mind's Eye was pretty good. Of his non tie-in books, I've not read many. I remember Catchalot was pretty interesting and i did enjoy the first two books in his "The Damned" trilogy. (I have the first editions at home, but i never saw the third one at Forbidden Planet, so it remains an incomplete trilogy.) I always meant to read his "Flinx" series as they sounded like a lot of fun.
Since I babbled a lot on that "old" thread, I'll try to concisely say that (IIRC) my top group is probably Midworld, Nor Crystal Tears, and The Man Who Used the Universe, followed by The Tar-Aiym Krang and Icerigger.
I bought Icerigger back in the 70s. Probably my first ADF book.

But I like Nor Crystal Tears better.

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