Kraxon magazine

The Judge

Truth. Order. Moderation.
Staff member
Nov 10, 2008
nearly the New Forest
It occurs to me that there may be many Chronners who frequent the Writing Forums who don't regularly look at -- or even perhaps know about -- Kraxon online magazine which publishes monthly SFF stories and is owned and run by Glitch, one of our very long-standing members.

Any such Chronners are missing out on two fronts.

Firstly, there is some mighty fine writing over there at Kraxon (if I do say so myself...) which is not only entertaining in its own right -- and as writers of SFF we must always ensure we remain readers of SFF -- but which can be instructive as models as to how to write. As to which, the annual poll to select the best of last year's stories is currently running, so get over there and vote POLL -- Kraxon Magazine Story of the Year for 2020 -- READ THE FIRST POST! and you can talk about your vote and the stories in the associated discussion thread.

Secondly, save for exceptional circumstances, Kraxon accepts stories only from members of Chrons, so you have an immediate advantage over the hordes of other writers who aren't members but are jostling you for space in other magazines. And it just so happens that I've today made a new submissions call for Kraxon as the stock of stories has temporarily run low. Magazine Submissions 2021

Any questions, best take them over to the thread in Kraxon itself. I look forward to welcoming you over there!
