(Found) fantasy/scifi trilogy with solar and tidal "fae" forces


I have my very own plant pot!
Jan 4, 2018
North-east England
I'm trying to recall the titles and author (female, I think) of a trilogy I read in the early- mid-90s. The premise was that humans had landed on an alien world sometime in the past but then devolved into a quasi-medieval fantasy society. There were natural "fae" forces at work on the planet which could produce demons out of people's fears or desires. Some people and native species could also manipulate solar or tidal fae.

The story centred on a holy warrior from a church that fought against fae demons. The warrior was forced to ally himself with the equivalent of a vampire/sorceror--a man who had murdered his own family to gain power and life. I don't remember the main goals of the plot. What I remember more is the dynamic between the main characters as they tried to figure out how much they could trust each other.

Does anyone have any idea what this is?
