Looking for a book with family escaping earth and colonizing new world

Susan M

New Member
Feb 22, 2017
I'm trying to remember one of the first scifi books I ever read. It was in the early 60s, so I assume the book was written in the 50s or early 60s. It was about a young girl and her family who were living on an earth that was falling apart after many wars. Her family were intellectuals/scientists and they escaped to a secret hiding place where they met other families, then all took off in a rocket to establish a colony on a new world. The new world had lots of beautiful animals and the girl found that she could communicate with them mentally.

Any ideas which book that could be? It's been driving me crazy for years.
Good idea, but I just read a plot summary and that's not it. Thanks anyhow.
I don't think this is it, because it's main character is a male, but he was taken away from his home planet, and did discover that he could communicate with some "uplifted" (not her term) animals. Andre Norton again: Cat's Eye.
It's Jill Paton Walsh, from 1982. A close general idea but I'm afraid it's not the one. Thanks for the suggestion.
