The Decoy Princess

Alternative Worlds

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2015
The Decoy Princess
Dawn Cook
Ace, Dec 2005, $7.99, 368 pp.
ISBN: 0441013564

She grew up believing she was Princess Contessa of Costenopolie, but when her betrothed Prince Garrett, second son of the King of Misdev, arrives unannounced, her “parents” tell her the truth that she is not a royal only a foundling. They admit that their real daughter is safe in a monastery while Tess has grown up as the target of assassins. Garrett, coveting his own kingdom, kills Tess’ parents and sends his men to assassinate the real princess and Chancellor Kavenlow, who has helped keep Tess safe all these years.

Tess escapes to a tavern where she wins a stake at cards that she hopes to use towards warning Kavenlow whom she loves like a father and the real princess about the danger Garrett poses. One of the card players, Duncan is a cheat, but with no options, Tess teams up with him until Garrett’s man Captain Jeck captures her with instructions to bring her back to the castle. She escapes and meets up with Duncan again. Together they warn Kavenlow; who confesses that he and Jeck are the real powers behind the thrones and that he raised Tess to be his apprencice. However before she can make any plans for the future, she and her allies must dispose preferably without killing Garrett.

Dawn Cook is one of the brightest stars in the fantasy genre. Her characters are believable which insures her otherworldly settings feel real too. There is plenty of action once Garrett sets in motion his devious plot, a touch of romance, and a ton of intrigue throughout the delightful THE DECOY PRINCESS. The feisty protagonist is determined to make her own decisions while doing what she believes is right for the people of Costenopolie. Readers will respect this fine woman while also anxiously waiting what happens next to the unroyal target.
