Thanks, as always, for the review, SB. I'm pleased you enjoyed it and, as ever, you've managed to put a smile on my face.

You are very welcomed Scott. Good stuff! :)

Thanks Starbeast. That was a great series, hmmm, can see myself loosing a few hours on youtube later...

You're welcome Brev. I'm a tremendous fan of OUTER LIMITS, especially the 1960's classic series. And I just may watch some episodes too. :D
Brev – Interesting title ;) A great story with some sublime writing too. The opening line concerning the cracking windscreen is perfect; while the story itself gives ebough to make you truly wonder about mankind. We are told nothing about the creature that has been hit, other than the fact it is not human, and for that reason alone it is deemed by the driver as something that need to be smeared into the tarmac. Fun, but with thought included.

Phyrebrat – A different look at the world of modern piracy. Here we see things turned on the head, where the pirates seem to be a reaction to incursions by foreign forces, as well/instead of the reason, but the true twist is the fact that the bad name given to the country of origin might be a superb bit of misdirection by the mer-people who are probably only defending their waters.

AJB – A very interesting take and a novel idea – what happens when the war between hero and villain is finally over. It is a question that is not often asked, because the battle seems to be cyclical. Does boredom overtake the hero, or does he try to remain forever vigilant convinced that an enemy is around every corner. There might even be the hint of paranoia creeping in... Greta idea, well told.
Lady Silverwolf, Perpetual man, Starbeast; thanks, thanks, and thanks again for your very kind comments upon my ugly baby of a work I threw into the pool. very difficult challenge for my florid style. had to use a weed-wacker ruthlessly to cut it down for the word count and then when I read over the stubbly remains for replant, scared myself silly and went to lock up the kitchen knives instead (in case they had bad intentions...)
Feels like we need more entries. Only one day left! Is it just me or do we have more newcomers this month than normal? I like it.
Mangara - An interesting story about a character attempting to “save” their love. The story makes me think of someone fighting disease, eventually succumbing and having life-support removed.

– I loved the scientific aspect, and the play on words with Dr. Heisenberg. He is a real life superhero, and so I liked the comparison in the story. Unfortunately, still no word on his cat.

– Well…..consider my childhood ruined! I actually did enjoy the modern and rough version of Snow White, although I’ll never be able to watch the Disney version in the same way again.

Paranoid Marvin
– I’ll admit, I immediately set the words to music in my head, and it created a really catchy song! I like that everything fit together perfectly, and I can definitely see the time and effort put into this!

Dead Seed
– A veteran who has a secret side of him, a monster within. In a very hulk-like fashion, hidden rage releases the beast. I definitely imagined a magnificent and terrifying griffon-like creature. Great story!

– In a world of superheros and villains, it seems that all of the boring jobs get left to the cops, causing understandable disgust. Not everyone wants a helping hand from a superhero.

Starbeast –
The unbelievable becomes believable. A lot of crazy things happen to cops all the time, but most cops don’t get to talk with a six foot bunny rabbit on a regular basis. So when one walks into the precinct as a hero….hilarity ensues.

Glen –
A classic case of hero/villain confusion. The devil offers pleasure, but is the gain worth the price? Is it better to live in a happiness machine than to live an unhappy but real life? One of the many questions I’m struggling with in the ethics course I’m currently taking. The answer: it depends on your philosophy.

Grizzgreen711 –
A city representing a microcosm of society, filled with sinners and sin. Superior beings who created the sinners look down in shame, and regret. A great indictment of society and our values.

– As the saying goes, history is written by the winner. There are always two sides to every battle of wills, and unfortunately for the Queen, it seems her side is losing. Faith can be a blessing and a curse, especially when wielded by the unscrupulous.

barlennan –
I’m not sure I entirely understood the story (late night studying…) but if I’m right, it’s a sobering tale of childhood pleasure in playing war, developing into a frightening scene as they grow up and become soldiers in a fascist army.

Perpetual Man –
A superhero to end all superheros, Superman(I’m guessing…?) slides down the slippery slope, allowing his power and abilities to corrupt him. Now a villain, is there anyone who can hope to stand against his awesome power?

– Two characters, allowing their emotions, goals and dreams to blind them, end up effectively becoming that which they despise most.

– Finally! A story where the hero dies….or did he? Although I have no doubt that the hero will somehow make a miraculous recovery as they usually do, it is refreshing to finally see the villain win for once.

– Brotherly rivalry brought to a new level, and a hero acting in a manner that might not be considered all that heroic. Instead of fighting crime, the hero allows family and personal matters to triumph, letting his brother free so that he can stop him and remain a hero.

– I actually really liked the concept of this story! A sword that preys on our wildest secret dreams – to be special and to become a hero – in order to plump us up and feed on us. I guess the consolation for being eaten alive is that at least you did good in the world.

– This story is a reminder that things might not always be as they seem, and there are often reasons which we don’t understand for someone else’s actions. Somalian pirates become mermen, defending their home.

A hero in a world that doesn’t need him. A superhero feels useless and seems to suffer from PTSD, we can see the inner monologue of someone who feels that they no longer have a place within this world.

– An interesting and thoughtful story, characterizing light and dark, good and evil, as beings who have personality, choices, and who battle to kill/save us. I like that this story is an alternative twist to the traditional story where light always prevails, regardless of the greater strength and power of the darkside.

J Riff –
I absolutely loved this story. While superheros may be invincible to flying bullets, they can’t fight the ravages of time. SuperGranny made me think of my own grandmother and her eternal kindness. This story just made me want to go to her fortress and give her a big hug.
Well, if I take the clues...red cape, red and blue lettering, L-Corp as in Luther Corp...I will make my own assumptions.
No problem Perp. Now you're starting to make me second guess myself. My first reaction was superman thanks to the red/blue text and melting vision. Now I'm not so sure....

Well, if I take the clues...red cape, red and blue lettering, L-Corp as in Luther Corp...I will make my own assumptions.

This is fun...

(DEO got it!) if you want a hint.
Oh dear, Cul's in -- I've got to get something written!

I did get an idea last night that I'm working on. (Ok, why did that type up as "I did get an idea tonight", anyway? Is there some time travel that I'm not aware of?)

I have to post today, as I'll be at my son's tournament all day tomorrow and won't have time.
Oh dear, Cul's in -- I've got to get something written!

I did get an idea last night that I'm working on. (Ok, why did that type up as "I did get an idea tonight", anyway? Is there some time travel that I'm not aware of?)

I have to post today, as I'll be at my son's tournament all day tomorrow and won't have time.

C'mon, Dusty. You can do it! :)
Still haven't thought of anything that would count as contemporary :( hmmmm running out of time here, even Cul has posted!
Lady Silverwolf, Perpetual man, Starbeast; thanks, thanks, and thanks again for your very kind comments

You're welcome Jastius.

Ugh. I've been away a couple weeks, trying to get my ethics course finished. Time to face the music and catch up with my reviews.

You're doing a great job of reviewing (I did wonder what happened to you). And thank you for cool review on me.

C'mon, Dusty. You can do it! :)

Yeah, behind you! You can do it!

Still haven't thought of anything that would count as contemporary :( hmmmm running out of time here, even Cul has posted!

I hope you can join us too. You can do it!

AJB - I really like this tale about a superhero in deep thought, and a bit paranoid (like most super folk), because foes are always lurking about.

Culhwch - Wow, this is an intense story, a female hero who can fight no more, and her enemy knew it. The last line was spooky.

J Riff - Marvelous and funny. A bitter/sweet tale about an elderly super powered woman, I love it. Great last line.
