Discussion -- 75 Word Challenge -- May

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I'm really chuffed. Thanks for the mentions by TDZ, Tactical Loco and Boneman.

And special thanks to Perpetual Man and Hopewrites for the votes. Cheques are in the post.:)

Last time I got 2 votes, 1 was a vote of no confidence and the second threw me off the committee of the golf club:eek::eek:
I agree that the stories are of higher quality this month.

Thanks to DustyZebra, alchemist, crystal haven, the Spurring Platty and Boneman for mentioning mine.

And especially to Lilmisflashything for the vote. I'm so glad to have given you a laugh when you needed one.

Any time. Like I said, I really needed the laugh this month. Thanks again.
A strong set of entries this month, well done all...

Really enjoyed reading the entries by - StormFeather, Teresa Edgerton, The Spurring Platty, Veritgo, paranoid marvin, TheDustyZebra, TacticalLoco, HareBrain, southron sword and especially Glen.

But vote goes to Glitch. For nice description and for following the brief by giving a nod to both Science and Fantasy. (And also because I have a soft spot for Merfolk...:D)
I hate doing shortlists, as it suggests anything I don't choose isn't good. Unfortunately not the case. Still, people seem to appreciate them so I'll say Arkrose, Glen, HareBrain, Hex, Moonbat, Scott Forshaw, Starbeast, StilLearningand Teresa were all up near the top of my chart…
But the vote went to the Dusty Zebra.

Thank you muchly Crystal Haven for the vote, and The Dusty Zebra, johnnyjet, TacticalLoco, and Stormcrow for the mentions.
Short List with
Runners Up List

(highlighted in bold)​

Gary Compton
Southron Sword
David Evil Overlord
Warren Paul
Karn Maeshalanadae
Aun Doorback
Scott R. Forshaw
Bob S. Sr
Paranoid Marvin
Perpetual Man
High Eight
Alex, The G and T - vote
The Spurring Platty
The Judge
Yowza, a vote! Thanks, chrispy! :D

Thanks also for shortlistings, springs, TSP, stevietee, Glitch, Brev, and Starbeast!
Shortlist (I've kept it down this month!):


And my vote goes to: - Glen.
Thanks for the Runners' up list Starbeast, Made my night.

Short List

Tactical Loco --- made me grin!
Grizzgreen --- Yuck! Good story but Yuck!
HareBrain --- I feel your pain.
Paranoid Marvin --- Chilling
Perpetual Man --- An illustration of Military Intelligence
Vertigo --- Caught me up!

Culhwch --- Chilling ---- I voted for what was clearly to me the best story of the bunch.
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Just when I thought I wasn't going to get another mention, let alone a vote, along comes Parson to brighten my Monday! Many thanks, Parse!
Out of 60 contributions for a short tale - which genre I like very much -
I can take 10% out for one *, 10% for two **, one for ***
- besides the Winner, who takes it all J
I don’t regard myself as a true representative for the majority of your readers, hence not in the most of you authors’ target group – so pls. relax, and remember : Everything is Relative J
My only power in this procedure is to bestow stars on those I like for the mastering of the Method of Pointillism, for the logic, and/or the fun J
* : Abernovo, , Aleubierre Warp, StarBeast, Chrispencaty, Perpetual Man, Boneman.
** : Bowler1, Gary Compton, Tactical Logo, Hopewriter, Dusty Zebra, Edgerton.
*** : Moonbat.
Winner : MemoryTale.

One could wonder why it’s allowed only to cast ONE vote, when in the 300 word contest it’s allowed to cast THREE – should there be any rationale behind this ??
I enjoyed those stories, thanks all. There seem to be quite a few stories where one colour is just not good enough, my own included: perhaps colours should never be alone.

My favouriites were:

Luiglin - computers!
Hex - hurrah!
TacticalLoco - im-prismed!
Ursa major - cloudbase!

I think my vote has to go to Hex. It seemed the most sci-fantasy-like to me. Great fun.

Thanks High Eight for the vote! And thanks to all who mentioned my hideously dry alternate world.
Two votes! Hurrah for nixie and Glen!

And a jolly big thanks-old-bean for the mentions.
Thank you, Anivid for the ** mention, it's more than I was expecting as I missed the brief this month. Must learn to wait and watch, polish and edit, just like the old hands do!
first off all thanks for the mentions, especially to Anivid as I got *** which I think put in a close second - Damn that memory tale ;)

Her is my short list, shorter list and vote

Gary Compton
southron sword
R J Dando
Alcuberrie warp
Paranoid Marvin
The dusty zebra
Memory tale
The SpurringPlatty

Looks like Platty is running away with it, and I'm amazed that only 1 other entrant has more than 2 votes, it is a wide spread in this month's field.
Perp & Bowler1 - you're SO welcome :)
Moonbat: you actually was on a shared first, but as the system only allows for ONE .....................
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