Who would think such a thing?

Okay... here goes...

If ever there was a man who could rape a woman with his eyes...
Tyrion? I believe he had the thought in regards to one of those preaching men during his brief time as Hand. Something about having either the Great Sept of Baelor behind him, or the Red Keep.

the term "Twisted little monkey demon" Comes to mind
dammit.... I made a guess on a thought thread again. With no books with me, I turned to Google to find a suitable quote. I Didn't want to use a sample chapter and I thought "It's too bad there isn't a site with about 135 pages dedicated to just the kind of Quotes I am looking for.".... Suffice to say, this quote has been used in this game alrady.

You will need bitter steel and more...
I just snorted a Cheeto back out my nose.

Why are you putting Cheetos IN your nose Boaz?

Arrienne Martel is correct. The "You" in that sentance is her brother Quentyn, when she believed he wanted to take Dorne from her
If you want a woman to wife take her, and none of this giving her flowers
Hmmm, I dunno this one, but it makes me remember...

El Guapo: Jefe, you do not understand women. You cannot force open the petals of a flower. When the flower is ready, it opens itself up to you.

Jefe: So... uh, when do you think Carmen will open up her flower to you?

El Guapo: Tonight... Or I will kill her!
