The Axis Trilogy by Sara Douglass - Has anyone read it?

Aug 21, 2006
Put simply, this trilogy rocked my world.

When Caelum was born, I had to physically stop myself from rushing to the phone and organising a "Welcome to the world, baby boy" party.

When Axis married Azhure, I cried.

When Rivkah told Azhure about her pregnancy, I almost killed myself laughing at Faraday's revenge.

When Axis finds Isfrael at the Sacred Grove I cried again, as much at Axis' grief as at Faraday's ultimate betrayal. "I bore you a son and you watched me die. Nice, Axis. Nice".

When they ride home to Sigholt and the bridge goes "StarMan! Welcome home!" I got all excited.

And when my children are born I'm going to be the first to welcome them into the family.
I have mentioned it before, but I'm interested in knowing what you thought about the editing of those books and if they improved. I read first 2 Axis books, and found them frustrating due to numerous spelling and grammar mistakes.
I really liked it when I read it, but it's been quite awhile.
Have you read all 6 books Cornelia? The story gets a lot stranger in the next 3. They were definitely page turners. I also found the races Sarah created compelling and well fleshed out. Like the Icari were angelic and powerful but really slaves to their hormones and the forest people (forgot their name) who completely abhorred violence and yet I was afraid they were going to explode at any time. Azhure's story line was my favorite. I didn't like the prophecy stuff so much. Maybe how the prophecy worked out in the plot was ok but just something about the sing songy prophecy pulled me out of the story every it came up.
I read the first book, and honestly, can't say I enjoyed it much at all.

I think the best indicator of how I felt about the book was that the character I sympathized with most was Axis's half-brother the eeeeeeevil meanie who seemed to be the only person who couldn't spot the amazing pre-destined greatness of the hero, and thus was doomed to have everything he tried fail miserably so that Axis could outshine him at every turn. That whole "chosen one" aspect with Axis was just played up way too much for my tastes. I don't object to "chosen ones", but this one just felt a bit too cookie-cutter to keep my interest. of my favourite authors! I am not sure how many times I have re-read The Axis Trilogy and The Wayfarer Redemption! One of my favourite characters is Faraday, so much pain and suffering in her life, and yet she seemed so strong.

I am now looking forward to her new book.
Another who has read the Axis books.

They're quite good but nothing brilliant for me. Probably the best series by this author.
i read them a few years ago, and i don't really remember the details, but i do remember i really really enjoyed them. i'm also loving Sara's Troy Game series.
I read these quite siome time ago and really enjoyed them, they were a change from the norm and well worth a read.
I found that i couldnt put the books down, but at the same time i was disturbed by some of the violence! I did think what happened to farraday sucked, but i read what sara said about hating the character while she was writing it - so it fits!
Great books. I could never bring myself to like Faraday either, though. I didn't notice excessive spelling or grammar mistakes in the versions I read.
I read the first book of the American version of the publication of the Axis trilogy.

I got to say that I found it incredibly simple. The characters: one dimensional. The plot: recycled. The conflict: as cliched as it would be if I would say it played out in a "paint-by-number" fashion. The writing: so basic in syntax structure and melodramatic in content that it makes pulp romance novels appear revolutionary.

I suppose it is nice that the reading level required to enjoy the first book of the Axis Trilogy is low enough so just about everyone can pick up the series without feeling like they have once again been pigeon-holed into reading young adult fiction by publishers.

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