Which is the Best Series or Trilogy or Single?

Which is the Best Fantasy/Sci. Fi. - Series, Trilogy or Single?

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Beregond...Welcome to chronicles-network. Interesting poll; however, I took the liberty of moving it from the Book Club board to the more general Books, Literature, Authors board, as the Book Club is usually reserved for threads choosing and discussing the book we read together each month. I hope you'll join us in reading the October book and in discussing it afterwards.

Oh, and I chose "Other" in the poll. I have a couple of favorite series: Kage Baker's novels of The Company, starting with "In the Garden of Iden", and the Tim Powers trilogy (except that you only recognize them as such when you get to the last book) that consists of "Last Call", "Expiration Date", and "Earthquake Weather".
I would say LOTR is the best, but there are so many wonderfull trilogies and series. Many I really enjoy are by more obscure authors and are not as well known but are truely great.
Dune's good, but there's a lot of good series left out here: The Tomas Covenant Chronicles, Asimov's Foundation and Robot books, Blish's Cities In Flight, Moorcock's various series, Clarke's Rama and Odyssey series, Erikson's Malazan Books of The Fallen...and so on.

BTW, I just started out on Last Call - it's Very. Good. so far. I do hope I get hold of Expiration Date and Earthquake Weather soon.
Must say, there are many series which I prefer to thos mentioned, I cannot recall all of the titles, but Eddings, Maccaffrey, Pratchett, Adams are just the ones on my bookshelves that spring to mind:)
Which loser voted for Harry Potter? I enjoyed reading the series but??? I voted for A Song of Ice and Fire but my heart was torn between that and LOTR. Star Wars is also a very poor series.
hah! i know it was you, snuck in when no one was looking and pressed the button!
Did you know, 3.7% of George RR Martin fans are self-confessed paedophiles? Fact!

Malazan all the way, I never really liked LotR, but Dune came close, its true
Ah little Sansa.... do I confess?

I am yet to explore Erikson but i have a copy of Gardens of the Moon, which I presume is the first of his books to read.
I have been waiting to vote because I just couldn't decide. Most of these books are so different from each other I don't think it's fair to compare them. And I haven't even read any of the Star Wars books, they don't interest me at all. I finally voted for ASoIaF, but it was a very close thing between it and LOTR.
i can't decide either, so I'm staying out of it. I'm really torn, and then I know there are so many good series that I havn't read yet...
As you said, they are completely different. Different styles, different contexts... Its just too hard >.<
Maybe I shouldn't have voted, since I haven't read everything on the list. Oh well.Star Wars isn't bad, but I definitely like LoTR better. I can do without Harry Potter. I've read *God Emporer of Dune* and *Chapterhouse*, and they were excellent.
>_< ... ahh decisions! Though, it isn't on the list, i finally went with the Wheel of Time. The others i considered included - Lord of the Rings, the Vampire Chronicles, and a few of the Shannara series.
I don't know about that type of question. I don't really think theres a trend you can follow to determine whether or not reading novels is more enjoyable than reading trilogies.. or ongoing series. I've read some novels that are really awesome, but then i've read some that really stink. The same is true with trilogies, and ongoing series. Anybody get what i'm saying?

mmm - perhaps i should just stuff it, eh.
My problem with series, as opposed to single novels, is that if they aren't finished when i start reading them, i have to wait to find out how it ends. GRRRRRRR, note a song of ice and fire, and i'm left hanging!

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