Symbiote's Healing powers


Reetou Diplomatic Corp
May 31, 2001
We know that either the Jaffa-pouch making process (or the symbiote itself) destroys the jaffa's natural immune system. We also know that an adult symbiote does NOT affect the hosts immune system - we have seen at least three hosts post-symbiote removal. We also know (since Teal'c told us in "1969") that a Jaffa will be taken over by his symbiote if it is not removed and given to the proper host

My question: would an adult symbiote restore a/the Jaffa's natural immune system, if it were left to take him over? I'm fairly sure this is not covered explicitly in the show, but was wondering about opinions?
I don't think that symbiot would restore it, the gould that would hve taken over the jaffa would simple use a sarcophogus to remove the pouch and restore the immune system. we've seen that in the episode "Hathor".

now i'm presuming if there wasn't a sarcophagus around teh gould would act as an immune system until a sarc. could be found...
[Includes season 2 spoilers]

a) Is it the Jaffa-making device (as per "Hathor") that removes the immune system, or the larval symbiote?

b) We know ("The Tok'ra") that symbiotes can cure cancer. I would have thought that restoring an immune sustem would be fairly simple after that? Especially if the answer to (a) above is the symbiote! :D
it is the jaffa-making device that strips the person of an immune system, becaus remeber, jack start to die after he gets the pouch.
Originally posted by PTeppic
... We also know (since Teal'c told us in "1969") that a Jaffa will be taken over by his symbiote if it is not removed and given to the proper host ...

I just saw a rerun of "Crossroads" where T'ealc's old girlfriend was desperate to find a host for her symbiote. Naturally, it raised some questions --

If a symbiote can take over the Jaffa carrying it, why then do they need other hosts? Is it just for appearances? I know Sam said in "The First Ones" that a symbiote can not blend with a Jaffa, but I thought that was just if the Jaffa was already carrying a symbiote in the pouch.

So, why didn't Tanith take over Sho'nac? Yes, I know Tanith wanted to get in with the Tok'Ra, but if the SGC and the Tok'Ra had refused Sho'nac's request, Tanith would have (a) leapt out into any suitable host, (b) kept Sho'nac alive until a host could be found, or (c) died within her. What sort of risk was Tanith taking in remaining with Sho'nac for so long past the maturity date?

And when Tanith killed Sho'nac and the larval Goa'uld she was given, wasn't he killing one of his own kind? So whenever a Goa'uld offs a Jaffa, isn't the "gene pool" of Goa'uld being reduced?
Does this mean I have to make the whole reply SPOLIER FOR S4 "CROSSROADS" to answer you? :)

I would guess it is to do with his arrogance (which seems to be a genetic weakness in Goa'uld - and Tok'ra!) in ability to infiltrate the Tok'ra. Remeber there is almost a hereditary hatred (and feeling of betrayal) between Goa'uld and Tok'ra so ANY possible way of undermining them would have to be taken. And he knew from Shau'nac's memories that it was likely the Tau'ri would help her find the Tok'ra.

As for Jaffa being killed - look how many of them there are, and they are always being sent to their potential deaths! It seems to be like insects: mass production. We may also assume that the Goa'uld want to keep a reasonably careful limit on the number of competing Goa'uld - so actively EXPECT to kill off say 95% of the larvae, maybe more. The larvae are almost bred to produce strong, resilient, long-lived Jaffa, rather than as potential new Goa'uld...
um, they don't really have a gene pool, a queen gould (ie Hathor) takes a sample of human dna and makes a gould out of that, so really it is a gene pool its more a copy
Would the lake in "The First Ones" not count as a gene pool? <g>

I've been thinking about this. We know Hathor and other queens can produce new larvae but why are queen hosts needed. Surely it would be easier to keep the queen symbiont in a tank and you'd have as many symbionts as you want without having to deal with people like Hathor. Also, if Hathor is a queen and produces all the symbionts she needs where do the other Goa'uld get there symbionts? Do they have breeding farms like what I mentioned above or do they have to appeal to Hathor and other queens to give them symbionts.

I'm still sorting out this symbiote/Jaffa/host thing.

The Jaffa carry a larval goa'uld in a pouch. Once it reaches maturity after several years it requires a host. In one ep, T'ealc says that in time he will be taken over by his symbiote if a new larva is not procured.

The Jaffa, in order to maintain their immune systems, must always have a larval symbiote in the pouch. Do they still have an immune system if they are taken over by a mature goa'uld for whom no host is available?

In "The First Ones" Sam says that a symbiote cannot blend with a Jaffa -- presumably because the Jaffa already carries a symbiote -- could get crowded in there, I suppose.

What will happen to the rebel Jaffa when their symbiotes mature? Will they be taken over and start shooting the other rebels? Will their immune systems collapse? Shouldn't they be working on a way to find more larva in order to keep up the fight against everything the larva stand for?

If the Jaffa are meant to be servants of the goa'uld, then surely the system lords would not want mature symbiotes taking over Jaffa and getting uppity. Is there a Jaffa health plan that monitors the symbiote's development and determines when a suitable host and replacement larva must be procured? Which symbiotes are considered valuable enough for hosts and which are "staff fodder" among the Jaffa ranks?

And then there's this blending thing. Sometimes it happens instanteously -- in COTG Sha'uri and Ska'ra went down pretty fast --
and sometimes as in S6 eps, it does not. Or maybe it does and the writers just made a dialog error between "Abyss" and "Allegiance". Either Jack was blended with Kanan and the combination caused Jack/Kanan to go haring off to rescue the slave girl, as suggested in "Abyss" OR the blending did not work and Kanan used Jack to rescue the slave girl, as suggested in "Allegiance." Somehow though it can't be both.

Some Tok'ra always speak with their symbiote's voice and others, like Jacob, let the host do the talking. Who decides? Is there some constant internal dialogue going on between the two -- "I want to talk." "No, you said it would be my turn next." "You always do the talking. It's not fair." :)

I guess a goa'uld biology course at SGU would be a good idea. :D
I always thought they rebuked the "jaffa-will-become-a-host" thing, because of what Carter said. I know when Teal'c said "I will be taken over" - it was in the van in 1969 before Leutenant Hammond let them escape.
Later in another season Carter said a Jaffa cannot become a host. I'm sticking to the assumption that they rebuked what Teal'c said.
Also, you never see goa'uld with a Jaffa emblem. But then again, it'd be pretty degrading to the goa'uld to become what was once a servant. Besides, how would you explain to other Jaffa - that that they're supposed to worship one who was once their fellow warrior?
But... supposing that a jaffa cannot become a host, isn't that valuable information? Find out what about a Jaffa keeps him from being taken over, and enduce that effect without the loss-of-immune-system-and-poch-in-the-belly

~Shu Hunter
:upto: Stargate fan{atic}
This quoting of "The First Ones" is I think misleading. In that situation they were looking for who could have had a Goa'uld blend with them unknowingly. Carter then suggested it could not have been Teal'c - because he already has a larval symbiote - and would therefore not be suitable for an adult one as well, i.e. either no room and/or conflict of species/immune systems.

I suggest that this was NOT a statement about the suitability of Jaffa to become hosts over several years if they didn't find a "proper" host for the larva as it matured. I think the "1969" statement still applies, that from Teal'c's own mouth, he would ultimately become a host if no other were found.

But - I agree entirely about why the other Goa'uld would not want an ex-Jaffa being fully Goa'uld amongst them. The shame of it! :p :eek: And the religion thing. But, they tend to expect all Jaffa to be so loyal they either return from every mission or die trying; and no one ever rebels. For long, anyway! ;)
Originally posted by PTeppic
We also know (since Teal'c told us in "1969") that a Jaffa will be taken over by his symbiote if it is not removed and given to the proper host.

Thanks to the newly acquired S2 box set I've been able to re-watch "1969" and think there is another interpretation for Teal'c's statement about being "taken over" by his symbiote. Teal'c may not have been referring to a blending, but to a loss of autonomy as his mature symbiote seeks a full-time, non-Jaffa host.

That would then square with Sam's statement in "The First Ones" that a symbiote cannot blend with a Jaffa. No self-respecting, indeed god-like arrogant, goa'uld would want to blend with a slave-like Jaffa, but possibly could make life extremely miserable for a Jaffa who refused to yield up the symbiote to an available (if unwilling) host.
I think both speeches support the other theory, that the Jaffa CAN become a full host, if the symbiote matures without another host: it just can't receive a NEW adult symbiote, whilst the larvae is still in place...

But I'll agree to disagee? :p

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