What was the last movie you saw?

Watched the latter half of The Addams Family (awesome) and Austin Powers in Goldmember. Which I can practically quote off by heart, it seems.
Watched The Bourne Identity last night, The Bourne Supremacy tonight. Great films both.:cool:
Last night I watched the Studio Ghibli movie for Earthsea. It was nice... but not nearly as good as the actual storyline in The Farthest Shore.


I think watching it might have also given some spoilers for Tehanu, which I haven't read yet.
Pretty crazy day of film watching -- after Far From the Madding Crowd, watched most of Ghostbusters II, then caught the end of the Muppet Christmas Carol, then Wallace and Gromit, the Curse of the Wererabbit, and then part of Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls.
Watched The Dark Knight on DVD. It was okay but it won't set the world on fire.
The Dark Knight which I liked more than I thought I would, after all the hype about Heath Ledger's performance I was expecting to be disappointed by it but he was very good.
The last film I watched was the Addams Family on Film4 a couple of nights ago. Recapturing happy memories of watching it as a child, and frankly enjoying it for its wonderfully subversive humour as well. I also watched the Disney version of Hercules, which really was a childhood favourite.

The most recently-released film I watched was, I think, Wall-E, and my skill with superlatives fail to describe just how much I love that film. If you haven't watched it, you won't understand - if you have, you will share my love :)
Watched The Sting yesterday. Never gets old, never gets dull, never fails to make me smile. Love it.:)
Well tell him to get on the ball and bring them over, you're missing out! ;)

The first Bond movie I saw was Casino Royale with Daniel Craig. Never had any interest really in the Bond movies, but I did enjoy that one. But I love the Bourne movies, they are some of my favorites. I tried to read the books once but just couldn't get into them.

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