Welcome to LOTR General Discussions

ray gower

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2001
Our great and wonderful Ascifi Wizards; The System Lord Padders and First Prime Mythinglink, must be terribly impressed by us chaps and chapesses. They've given us even more space to fill.

Please check that you are in the right place before posting!

Topics discussed here are not intended to be specific to anything other than Lord of The Rings in general. e.g. I want to marry an Orc, scenery or anything that does not fit elsewhere.
does this mean we can't have Sragate cross over defaced images anymore:( sigh...OK Sam Sam Sam...but it's up to you to decide which Sam I mean:evil: Carter or Gamgee:evil:
For them as not noticed.

The Lord of the Rings forum has been breeding. We have another forum just for Tolkiens other works (including The Hobbit).

No idea where it came from (no cracks about birds and bees please), but it looks as if I'm going to have to do some revision.
Don't worry Luthy, there'll ALWAYS be some 1 who can help you out if you need it
Any time, but ALWAYS remember this: we're ALL friendly here & will try & help out to the best of our abilities should it be needed
Originally posted by Luthy_001
Legolas this place is huge, I think I'm gonna get lost soon.
I still get lost at times! ;)
It can be terrifying until you find your way around, so take your time.
There are very few unfriendlies here (unless you count me?), and the most important thing is to enjoy yourself.
I too still get lost every now & then, but saying that though it's easy to get back to where you were again before you got lost

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