The man who prevented WWIII

Shall we play a game?

Actually, this reminds me of something I read a long time ago so I don't know for sure where it was, but it had to do with time travel. In any case, the theory was that tiny little decisions can cause huge consequences. A modern day example, John Doe just gets fired. He's got no money and no leads on another job. After leaving the unemployment office on his way to an interview for a job paying very little money, frustrated, he gets accidentally bumped by a passerby who had dropped her keys. This sets off a string of angry thoughts in John Doe, why isn't life fair? Why me? His anger becomes his only outlet. He strikes the woman who bumped him. Now he's angry at the world and himself. His bad attitude colors his interview and he doesn't get that job either. Out of time and choices, he decides to rob the corner market, caught by the market manager, he goes to jail. Now, if Jane Doe (the passerby) had parked on the other side of the street, she wouldn't have been there. Does that mean that John Doe will wander off out of the unemployment office and get his low-paying job and somehow move on? Or will something else set off that anger?
Nostradamus gave us many clues as to what would or would not happen in the future…

I thought Nostradamus only predicted the past. Isn't it only after something happens that scholars reveal that the event was foretold by him? I've certainly never heard anyone say that something specific was going to happen, apart from things like "There will be tumult in the land with many people."

Sorry, not much of a believer, me.
Autumn 1983 is probably the closest we ever came to war with the Soviets. It was terrifying, particularly in retrospect.

Of course, I may think differently after I cover the Cuban Missile Crisis in three months...
Ironically , this all happen the same year that the movie Wargames came out.
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