Butcher's Codex Alera

I've got the first book to read in my pile :D Looking forward to seeing how it reads.
Thanks for pointing me towards that. Now I'm hooked! There are a few logical problems with his 'furies' but not enough to make me uninterested. Definitely will put this one on my to get list.
I finally got Furies of Calderon read. Not been well this week so been up most nights reading. Bad for tiredness, good for getting through books :)

It wasnt like I expected. Very different from his other series. Lots of action in this story, probably because there are a lot of characters. In some ways too many characters. I tend to find I latch onto a character that becomes my favourite and takes me through a book/series. But with this first book there are quite a few important character's and though they get quite a bit of attention in the story, I found it difficult to bond with just one or two for me to really get into the story.

Great magical system mind, very inventive and interesting :D
