Ive got to agree, at least to some extent with nemesis, there is far too much reliance on CGI (I especially agree with your point about the Enterprise in Insurrection, the one in First contact which half CGI/half model looked Far better). The process of CGI has however got infinately better over the last 5-10 years, Final Fantasy:The Spirits Within, despite what anyone has to say looks scarily real. The only thing they haven't got completely right is the wieght distribution of large creatures, and human eyes. They look lifeless, vacant and slightly glassy. Then again they do say the eyes are windows to the soul. However any amount of incredible CGI will get film producers knowhere if they do not use it to create original films, with at least some grasp of realism. For the most part film writers have a tendancy to come up with the most ludicrous plots imaginable, simply to be original, and the result is the creation of films such as Final Fantasy (which I still love despite its blatant overambitiousness). On the other hand you cannot be too harsh as (In my humble opinion) never have been possible to bring The Lord Of The Rings to the big screen (and done justice to it), with old fashioned superimposition and modelwork. CGI is the future of filmaking, whether the filmwriters can come up with original stories is the real problem.