(Found) Looking for the Title of a 50s or early 60s sci fi book


New Member
Jun 4, 2024
Looking for the title of a sci fi book I read in about 1962. In the story, high-quality, indestructible products that are absolutely free start appearing in the marketplace, angering manufacturers that are losing business. In a government search to find out where these products are coming from, they discover that there is a class of people who are harmless, but have exceptional characteristics. A test is developed to identify these people, who are then hounded and killed. The main character discovers that he is one of these people and is on the run with a woman who also has these characteristics. In the end they are able to escape the persecution and cross over into another world, where there is peace and harmony. I think the book may have been published as part of a book club. At the same time I read Costigan's Needle by Jerry Sohl, but I don't think the book was written by him. Anyone have an idea what the title of this book might be? Cheers
Thanks so much! I have been looking for this book for many years, but couldn't remember the title. I have now ordered a copy! I will look into the other titles as well. Cheers
