Honey badgers: not as sweet as they might sound


Smeerp of Wonder
Staff member
Oct 13, 2008
West Sussex, UK
The name of this animal perhaps conjures images of a kindly old children's character with a well-stocked cupboard of sugary treats.


I knew these beasties had a bit of a reputation, but the footage in this video is quite amazing.

"Honey badgers woke up and chose violence" :LOL:

The name of this animal perhaps conjures images of a kindly old children's character with a well-stocked cupboard of sugary treats.


I knew these beasties had a bit of a reputation, but the footage in this video is quite amazing.

"Honey badgers woke up and chose violence" :LOL:

Also known as Ratel, they're the most dangerous animals in the video game series Far Cry, and that's a game where you can fight bears :LOL:

There's a manga/anime called Killing Bites, where half-beast half-human people fight a proxy war for the four biggest companies in Japan since ancient times, and the winner takes control of the economy. The protagonist is a Ratel.

There is an excellent program on PBS about two honey badgers that a man attempted to keep on his property in South Africa because one of them had been imprinted by humans and could not live in the wild. I guess that means he preferred indoor living and all the amenities that it provided. He had no problems navigating the great outdoors and could fight off any animal. The honey badgers are extremely good at figuring out how to get what they want. They don't make good pets and can be extremely ferocious. Probably people are thinking of Badger from Wind In The Willows. That would probably be the attitude of a retired 200 year honey badger who is now simply walking around enjoying the sights.


Honey Badgers: Masters of Mayhem​

Season 32 Episode 12 | 52m 58s
In my favorite episode of Love, Death and Robots, Kill Team Kill, they fight a monster that they believe to be a honey badger at first. It isn't, but they keep calling it that.

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