Book with original cover art similar to Deathstalker


Jun 15, 2018
Niceville, FL
I think it's 50,000 AD.

A movie that is similar in idea from what I've been told is the Chronicles of Riddick (seen the movie).

Also, a bit like the old book Star Maker with someone waking up in the future. I supposed that makes it like Buck Rogers and Cowboy Bebop too.

I already had a tip for Genesis Quest which is back in print.

I believe the story is classified under "adult science fiction."
Yes, I think these two stories are commonly confused.

John Bloodstone ( Stuart J Byrne ) appears to not be as well known ,he wrote a number books among them Thunder Man of Two Worlds which may possibility have been one of the inspiration for the Thunder The Barbarian tv show of the early 1980's.

If I may offer additional suggestions

Bloodstone by Karl Edward Wagner it's book one of the 5 book Kane the Mystic Swordsman series. Kane is immortal al heroic villain/antihero There are science fiction elements this series book . Frank Frazetta who did Deathsalker also the original art cover work for this series. If you you never read one, Its an excellent series !:cool:

Kothar Barbarian Swordsman by Gardener Francis Fox Kothar lives in the distant furture on another planet in time where science has gone away and magic has come back . Fox is one the co-creators the DC Character Dr Fate and, he also did work for Warren Publicans , Creepy and Eerie Magazines and Later on he was invaded in do Conan The Barbarian Comics .
There's also a movie called "Barbarella."

Ive seen it a few times. Hokey but entertaining. :)

Then they're Zardoz with Sean Connery . convoluted and silly in few place. But is also pretty interesting dystopian science fiction film.:)

Have you got anything more you can add? Like the guy who wakes up in the future - is he in his own body or another? Why is he awoken? Does an adventure ensue?

Cheers, Greg.

Have you got anything more you can add? Like the guy who wakes up in the future - is he in his own body or another? Why is he awoken? Does an adventure ensue?

Cheers, Greg.
Is he sent into the future as sentencing after a trial?
Does he set a suspended-animation coffin? To get rich in the future? To avoid a crime? To wait until medical science can solve his disease?
Stories have every one of those themes, so some narrative or reason at either end of the timeline, or whether it was accidental, chosen, or enforced on him, narrows it down.
I don't know why the hero wakes up in the future, but part of both of those books is a serious discussion of vaccination.
It doesn't match anything I'm familiar with, but I hope it gets found!

Maybe here -- this is my favorite forum now that Allexperts is gone.

Abebooks forum is rather obscure and slow now. But on Reddit whatsthatbook or Stack, you might also get an answer. Even trolls are pretty good at finding things. :)
Do any of these book mention the "yellow fever" vaccine and its effects? That one is more rarely explained. The CDC information suggests it is largely unnecessary.
