Black Hole weapons.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
Has anyone invented a personal weapon which fires BH's? I'm thinking of one which dissipates after hitting an object although this is the opposite of what it would probably do! Perhaps I need an anti matter gun which destroys on impact. I'm not keen on 'ray' guns.
Black holes do not dissipate like that.
Antimatter guns would be rather hazardous, too.
Me neither.
I don't have an answer, but here's a link to get started: Micro black hole - Wikipedia

Basically, the article says that micro black holes may or may not exist. If they exist, then one could fire them at a target with currently available propellants; gunpowder, etc. (Ref: Minimum mass of a black hole) Black holes may also dissipate or at least until they reach a minimal size. (Ref: Stability)

With a little bit of hand waving, I think it would be possible to justify a handheld blackhole revolver. The bullet would need to suspend the blackhole to avoid contact with the outer shell. The blackhole itself could be about the mass of a typical bullet and fired using standard means. Upon exiting the barrel, the blackhole could shed its casing and continue onto its target, where it would then bore a hole through it. I guess it would avoid the tendency to mushroom and its exit hole would be the same size as the entry hole. This bullet may be less deadly than current bullets but have greater armor piercing capability.

Caveat: I am speculating well beyond my knowledge of physics.
Stross' Singularity Sky has ships using captive black holes as propulsion devices for ships. I agree with @Wayne Mack 's write up and will add that the bullet will land on the floor and slowly start to burrow through like a drop of "Alien" acid as it swallows matter within it's schwarzschild radius. It will keep falling and eating and growing all the way through the earth. I'm probably wrong, but that one bullet will eventually swiss cheese the Earth and then destroy it.
Farscape had a wormhole weapon, which was kind of personal to Crichton :unsure:
I think the op was asking for weapons that have actually been invented, rather than fictional ones. Hence the post in Technology, rather than Literature.

From the text of the question, I don't think so. It looks like a standard request for ideas for fictional weapons to use in writing.

_Unless_ the OP is a super intelligent super villain IRL, farming our minds for ideas. In which case it's been nice knowing you all, since we just gave them some terrible ideas for world domination.
that one bullet will eventually swiss cheese the Earth and then destroy it.
Assuming a relatively low mass for the black hole, I would expect the bullet to slowly fall to the center of the Earth. Gravity will pull the bullet downward, but gravity will lessen as it nears the center of the Earth. There will also be momentum burned off as the bullet encounters resistance from the Earth's crust. I don't believe that it could possibly retain enough momentum to do more than follow a short spiral around the core. Given a decay in momentum, I do not believe the bullet could 'bounce' back and forth to create a swiss cheese effect.
Assuming a relatively low mass for the black hole, I would expect the bullet to slowly fall to the center of the Earth. Gravity will pull the bullet downward, but gravity will lessen as it nears the center of the Earth. There will also be momentum burned off as the bullet encounters resistance from the Earth's crust. I don't believe that it could possibly retain enough momentum to do more than follow a short spiral around the core. Given a decay in momentum, I do not believe the bullet could 'bounce' back and forth to create a swiss cheese effect.
What is the drag coefficient of a schwarzschild sphere? I don't know that it will encounter resistance, given that it will rip apart and consume anything it's coming in "contact" with.

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