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DISCUSSION THREAD -- NOVEMBER 2022 -- 75 Word Writing Challenge

Congratulations, @AnRoinnUltra on a fun story which was on my short list.

I want to thank @Heijan Xavier, @BT Jones, @Hugh, and @Venusian Broon for the mentions, and especially @sule, @THX1138, @Parson, and @Cat's Cradle for the votes! That's the most mentions and votes I've had in a while!

By the way, I see we tied for second place, @Venusian Broon!

And finally, I don't mention it near enough, but thanks to @Victoria Silverwolf and @Parson for the fascinating and insightful comments on all the stories.

Well done to all!
@mosaix. I must confess I totally failed to make the Titanic connection. A titanic failure. Perhaps the mention of ice may have helped. Or the name of the shipping-company the letter was addressed to? (Yeah, just trying to put the blame on someone else.)
I was hoping the date and the name of the captain might be enough.

And congratulations @AnRoinnUltra!
