House of the Dragon: 1.01 - The Heirs of the Dragon

"Dragons, Gore and Sex! That's what our surveys said that they liked about GOT"

"Great! I want much more of them this time. Then it will be much better!"
It's much less this time, but yeah, it's part of the GoT genetics.
Sorry that I didn't edit my jumble of a post above. Don't post when you're half asleep.

Reacting to Dave & ctg. Sex, gore and dragons all were appealing, but it was the multiple leads manipulating around that mishegosh that made series one enthralling. At least eight different characters could and did carry the action in different episodes. So far the only role that has shown touches of that gravitas is the Princess Rhaenyra. I know that Matt/Prince Daemon is important through the entire series, but so far he only glowers and sulks.
I'll certainly keep watching, but I'm hoping for more.
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"Dragons, Gore and Sex! That's what our surveys said that they liked about GOT"

"Great! I want much more of them this time. Then it will be much better!"
Tried watching it a few days ago. Horrible stuff, really. It goes to such extremes to be violent and gory and porny that it's become a parody of itself.

Very well filmed, but so contrived - a king, concerned about the succession of his son, puts his ambitious younger brother in a position of power. Apparently, the king had forgotten to allow any kind of policing during his regin, but luckily the ambitious younger brother finds all the criminals in one place and so mutilates them all. Meanwhile, a no-holds barred jousting tournament with no rules is held, so the rich and powerful landowners can risk being gratuitously mutilated and killed. Oh, forgot to mention, the ambitious younger brother is impotent, but still get a porn scene before this is finally admitted.

I managed to watch all that, but had to stop at the sickening scene where they were going to hack open the queen for her baby. I mean, it's effectively simulated torture of a pregnant woman - how is that intended to be something to entertain?

Honestly, I don't get it - people talk about how terrible it was that the Romans watched people being killed in the arenas, but here we have a TV series dedicated to showing pain and suffering in the most extreme way, all in an attempt to satisfy some form of freakish bloodlust in its viewers?

Game of Thrones had its low points, but the first episode of House of the Dragon managed to surpass the worst excesses of that series. The only thing it was missing was a violent and gratuitous rape scene, but I guess that's coming soon for the young girls' character, yes?
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